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RE: ipv6 doc addresses, please add to id-nits

[catching up on old mail]

--On 10. august 2003 12:25 +0200 "Wijnen, Bert (Bert)" <bwijnen@lucent.com> wrote:

I still have the "todo" item to split the NITS into
- those mechanical nits that RFC-Editor can (and is willing to)
  fix when the doc gets into their queue
- those that we find serious enough that we (ADs) want to be
  fixed before we even put the doc on IESG agenda.

I will include this item in my todo-list for that ID-NITS
work. Does rest of IESG agree that I include this?

I certainly think this is a good idea. Unless I hear objections, I suggest that you just do it.


Thanks, Bert

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Austein [mailto:sra@hactrn.net]
Sent: zondag 10 augustus 2003 7:03
To: iesg@ietf.org
Subject: ipv6 doc addresses, please add to id-nits

ID-nits lists the IPv4 documentation address range ( but doesn't list the equivalent IPv6 range. If it lists one, it should list the other. (Thanks to Bill Manning for the pointer.)

Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 14:08:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: bmanning@karoshi.com

APNIC made the following delegation in late 2002:

the IPv6 prefix 2001:0DB8::/32 has been set aside for use in

