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Re: [iesg-secretary #13775] Informational RFC to be: draft-ogura-mapos-nsp-multiexp-02.txt

Your request #13775 was resolved by nsyracus:

Dear Harald,

The following Internet Draft, which was received from the RFC 
Editor on September 8th, has
been added to the ID Tracker listing you as the Shepherding AD:


The ID has also been placed on the Agenda for the next IESG 
Telechat so that the ID can be assigned to an appropriate AD.

The IESG Secretariat

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>From: RFC Editor <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org>
>To: IESG <iesg@ietf.org>
>Subject: Informational RFC to be: draft-ogura-mapos-nsp-multiexp-02.txt


This RFC-to-be was submitted to the RFC Editor to be published as
Informational: draft-ogura-mapos-nsp-multiexp-02.txt.

Four week timeout is initiated (6 October 2003).

       A Multicast Extension to MAPOS NSP (Node Switch Protocol)

   Multiple Access Protocol over SONET/SDH (MAPOS) is a link-layer
   protocol for transmitting network-layer datagrams encapsulated in
   High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) frames over Synchronous Optical
   NETwork/Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH).

   This document describes an extension to the Node Switch Protocol
   (NSP) of MAPOS. NSP is a protocol for automatically assigning
   addresses to MAPOS network interfaces of nodes. The extension NSP+
   enables the nodes to provide their directly connected switches with
   information about the multicast groups to which the MAPOS network
   interfaces of the nodes belong, so a switch forwards only required
   multicast frames to the network interfaces.


Sandy Ginoza - USC/ISI
Request for Comments Documents