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Re: Internal WG Review: MIPv6 Signaling and Handoff Optimization (mipshop)

That's clear enough for me!
(if it's OK with the rest of the IESG to have a charter that says this.... security people, are you reasonably happy with this?)

We have had quite a bit of experience now with trying to solve security problems w/low latency in a mobile environment. Diameter MIPv4, MIPv6/IPsec interactions, EAP w/fast handoff, etc. We know these problems are HARD -- that these interactions are difficult to analyze, that they often require new thinking.

So far, very little of that thinking is actually occurring, either in IETF or in IRTF. And I think this is because we have taken on too many of these things as WG work items before the technology was truly understood.

I hope that MIPSHOP is not continuing this tradition of "design before thinking" but based on the discussion so far, I'm concerned.

At some point, some where, we are going to have to get a group of people to sit down, and help us develop the technology with which we will solve these problems, instead of just experimenting. And so far I don't see what the plan is for accomplishing that.

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