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Re: Evaluation: draft-ietf-ieprep-ets-telephony - IP Telephony Requirements for Emergency Telecommunication Service

For an output of IEPREP, this document is mercifully short, and seems
almost to make sense.
But I can't figure out what on Earth this is supposed to mean:

>     4) Application layer IP telephony capabilities MUST NOT
>     preclude the ability to do application layer accounting.

It seems to me like a total Martian in this document. Can someone explain?

Reading the companion general requirements doc, I think the logic is:

(1) These schemes are clearly able to be abused.

(2) Authorization can a useful tool in making these schemes harder to abuse.

(3) Accounting can be a useful tool in tracking down abuse after it has

As such, systems implementing these schemes should take support authorization
and shouldn't be designed in ways that make accounting impossible. But the
current text doesn't make this reasoning clear. Either some additional text is
needed or there needs to be a pointer to the discussion of these issues in


P.S. This is also one of those documents produced with a tool that doesn't
includes only titles and not the file names of referenced Internet Drafts. I
continue to find this to be quite annoying.