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process question

From 2026:

6.2 Advancing in the Standards Track

   A specification shall remain at the Proposed Standard level for at
   least six (6) months.

When does this clock start ticking?

We had a set of docs approved and entered into the RFC editor queue on June 2, but they hung up on a (now-approved) reference. It's been almost 4 months since approval, but one could argue that until the RFC's hit the repository, no one can really gain experience with them to justify Draft Standard development.

Are we 4/6ths of the way to the next milestone, or still 0/6ths?

PS - I doubt that the current WG will do the DS level (per discussion with the AD's), I'm just trying to figure out what to say to the mailing list when we finally get the okay to shut down the current WG.

PPS - I realize the 6 months is not the "main hurdle" to becoming DS.
Edward Lewis                                            +1-703-227-9854
ARIN Research Engineer

Sponge Bob Square Pants? I'm still trying to figure out the Macarena.