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Re: Interesting Research

Now read it actually scrambled...

Acnrcidog to a rraechecsh at Cigdbarme Uviseritny, it dseon't meattr in
waht oedrr the lertets in a wrod are, the olny itpornemt tnihg is taht
the fsrit and lsat lteetr be at the right pacle.  The rset can be a taotl
mses and you can slitl raed it whiutot prelbom.  Tihs is baecsue the
hmuan mnid deos not raed every lteetr by iletsf, but the wrod as a wohle.

I know what it says already and I stumble over every other word, while
the original was fairly easy.  Or try some Machiavelli...

Trhee is nhitnog mroe dfcifulit to tkae in hnad, mroe poerulis to
cdcunot, or mroe ucatinren in its scusces, tahn to tkae the laed in the
iordcuoitntn of a new oerdr of tngihs.
