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Re: [iesg-secretary #14626] (busted) draft-ietf-ipsec-esp-v3

This is very confusing to me. I think of each telechat has have its own agenda. In fact, when we place a document on the agenda, we get to pick the date, which reinforces the notion that there is a separate agenda for each telechat.


At 11:09 AM 10/8/2003 -0400, Amy Katherine wrote:
Your request #14626 was updated by amyk:

Dear Russ,

After each telechat, I remove the documents that were discussed
from the agenda, so the agenda for the next telechat is clear of
former telechat documents.  This is normal and necessary cleanup
work for the Secretariat.  The comment log will reflect that all
of the documents from October 2, 2003 telechat were removed from
the agenda by me.

I will check into the version number question and let you know.

Thank you,

Amy for the IESG Secretary