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Re: [xmppwg] Major SASL issues (was Re: Last Call: 'XMPP Core' to Proposed Standard)

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:


7. The initiating entity MUST provide an authzid during SASL
negotiation. The authzid-value MUST be a valid JID of the form
<domain> (i.e., a domain identifier only) for servers and of the
form <user@domain/resource> (i.e., node identifier, domain
identifier, and resource identifier) for clients. The initiating
entity MAY process the authzid-value in accordance with the rules
defined in Addressing Scheme (Section 3) before providing it to
the receiving entity, but is NOT REQUIRED to do so; however, the
receiving entity MUST verify that the authzid-value provided by
the initiating entity conforms to the rules defined therein.

Not all SASL mechanisms are capable of transmitting authorization identity, so this requirement might be problematic.

Also, the revision of RFC 2222 says that the client must not specify authorization-id unless it wants to impersonate some other entity:

 As a client might not have the same information as the server,
 clients SHOULD NOT themselves try to derive authorization identities
 from authentication identities when clients could instead transmit an
 authorization identity of the empty string.

So, the text should be reworded reflect that an authorization identity is optional and that if one is provided, it is in the form described above.

My understanding from an earlier thread on the XMPP WG list was that providing the authorization identity in this manner was the approach preferred by the SASL community. I think the fundamental issue here is that for XMPP clients, the authorization identity is a "full JID" (i.e., node@host/resource) that is asserted by the connecting client, not derived by the server. Perhaps this usage is not consistent with the definition of authorization identity in RFC 2222? We'd have to look at the implications of this for client assertion of a full JID (perhaps this should be defined only in draft-ietf-xmpp-im).

There are two issues here:
1). Format of an authorization identity - your document has to define it
2). Requirement to always specify authorization identity.

Short answer to the second issue is probably "you can't do that".
But here I will try to give a long answer to explain that you probably don't need 2 anyway.

This is a bit tricky. SASL defines two types of identities. Authentication identity is derived from your authentication credentials and its format is SASL mechanism specific. Authorization identity is protocol specific. If authorization identity is not specified ("empty authorization identity"), it is derived from the authentication identity. This is the usual case ("just act as yourself").

However is authorization identity is specified, additional authorization checks take place. The server has to verify that the authentication identity can act as the authorization identity. Authorization identity is useful, for example, when an administrator (or proxy server) wants to authenticate as himself, but act as the user.
In XMPP case I can also imagine a client that tries to authenticate as "node@host", but act as "node@host/resource".

So, what does this means for a server implementor? The text below describes my implementation experience and doesn't specify a standard of any kind.

Usually deployed SASL mechanisms (PLAIN/CRAM-MD5/DIGEST-MD5) don't put any restrictions on how an authentication identity looks like.
So, in most cases "node@host/resource" (for the client-to-server) or "host" (for the server-to-server) format will be used.

For Kerberos mechanisms (KERBEROS_V4, GSSAPI), authentication identity has the format dictated by Kerberos (usually user@realm or service@realm). An XMPP implementation will have to internally map Kerberos principals to XMPP JID format (or host), before verifying an authorization identity, if the one was provided.

Of course, there is also SASL EXTERNAL that can be used together with TLS. In this case authentication identity will have syntax of a DN.

The bottom line is that the syntax used for authorization identities for a protocol is [most likely] the syntax that is going to be used internally by the server and is the same syntax that is used by the user in the "enter your username" dialog for the protocol.

(Hopefully this makes sense ;-)).

So, the paragraph should probable read:

7.  An authorization identity used in SASL is a valid JID of the form
     <domain> (i.e., a domain identifier only) for servers and of the
     form <user@domain/resource> (i.e., node identifier, domain
     identifier, and resource identifier) for clients. ...

Regards, Alexey __________________________________________ Isode Limited, http://www.isode.com

Cell: +44 7753759732

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