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Re: [xmppwg] Major SASL issues (was Re: Last Call: 'XMPP Core' to Proposed Standard)

Peter Saint-Andre wrote:


 This series of challenge/response pairs continues until one of three
 things happens:

1. The initiating entity aborts the handshake by sending an <abort/>
element qualified by the 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'
namespace to the receiving entity. Upon receiving the <abort/>
element, the receiving entity MUST terminate the TCP connection.

I think the requirement to drop TCP connection is unreasonable here.
There are several valid reasons why the client may retry failed authentication:
1). User typed in a wrong password, the client should retry the same SASL mechanism a reasonable number of times.
2). The client invoked a SASL mechanism that reported that it can't be used because of misconfiguration (e.g. kerberos configuration file is missing). The client than sends <abort/> to the server and tries another mechanism.

This seems reasonable. I think we were attempting to ensure that the connecting entity could not abuse the opened TCP connection for an unspecified period of time.

Closing connection or refusing to perform any tasks after a certain number of failures are two common implementation practice in SMTP and other protocols.
I think you should mention them, but don't require everyone to implement them.


3. The receiving entity reports success of the handshake by sending
a <success/> element qualified by the
'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' namespace to the initiating
entity; this element MAY optionally contain character data (in
SASL terminology "additional data with success"). Upon receiving
the <success/> element, the initiating entity MUST initiate a new
stream by sending an opening XML stream header to the receiving
entity (it is not necessary to send a closing </stream:stream>
element first, since the receiving entity and initiating entity
MUST consider the original stream to be closed upon sending or
receiving the <success/> element). Upon receiving the new stream
header from the initiating entity, the receiving entity MUST
respond by sending a new XML stream header to the initiating
entity, along with any remaining available features (but NOT
including the STARTTLS feature or any authentication mechanisms)
or an empty features element (to signify that no additional
features are available); note that any such additional features
are not defined herein, and MUST be defined by the relevant
extension to XMPP.

Other protocols (IMAP/SMTP/POP) list available SASL mechanisms after a successful SASL authentication.
Some of them require that the client compares the list of the advertised mechanism with the one before the authentication.
This is done to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks when an attacker removes strong SASL mechanisms from the list of supported mechanisms.
(Whether this check is useful in practice is another matter. I am not sure whether anybody implements it).

OK, I'll look at what those other protocols require, and how they word
the requirement. It seems good to have this check in place.

I don't have a strong feeling about this. I am just emphasizing the difference between other protocols and XMPP in this case.

A security person should comment on this.

4). There was a recent discussion on the bugtraq mailing list about handling invalid base64 data. It turned out that different implementations handle
this differently, for example:

(You might decide to relax this for XMPP and to allow spaces and/or CRLFs anywhere in the data.)

I see no strong reason to relax the requirement just for XMPP.

This is fine. I was just thinking about a base64 encoder that enforces a line length limit and will insert CRLF automatically.


6.3 SASL Errors

o <bad-protocol/> -- The data provided by the initiating entity
could not be processed, e.g. because does not adhere to the
protocol for the requested mechanism; sent in response to the
<response/> element.

Do you mean invalid base64 encoding here or something else?

It could be invalid base64 encoding, but we were thinking especially
that the decoded response is not consistent with the challenge format
required by the selected SASL mechanism.

Challenge format is specific to a SASL mechanism. As far as the protocol using SASL is concerned, invalid SASL mechanism format is not different from "authentication failure".
An error from a SASL mechanism is different from an error resulting in inability to decode base64 data.
These errors happen at different layers, so they should have different error tags.

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