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Re: [xmppwg] Last Call: 'XMPP Core' to Proposed Standard

At 04:37 PM 10/8/2003, Jeffrey Altman wrote:
>Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:
>>At 01:28 PM 10/8/2003, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>>>"Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> writes:
>>>>I concur with Alexey's recent comments regarding XMPP's SASL
>>>>Profile.  I have a few addition concerns regarding this profile.
>>>>The scope of my review was, due to time constraints, was limited
>>>>to the profile.
>>>>I not sure why the documents says that SASL and TLS security
>>>>layers SHOULD NOT be enabled simultaneously (Section 6.2, rule 2),
>>>>but this recommendation is, I believe, flawed.  There are numerous use
>>>>cases where implementations SHOULD establish additional layers.
>>>>For example, establishing additional SASL layers may prevent
>>>>certain kinds of tunneling man-in-the-middle attacks.
>>>Could you describe some of them?
>>XMPP's TLS profile allows establishment of TLS even though the
>>implementation's certificate verification has failed:
>> If the above methods fail, the certificate SHOULD be presented
>> to a human (e.g., an end user or server administrator) for
>> approval; if presented, the receiver MUST deliver the entire
>> certificate chain to the human, who SHOULD be given the option
>> to store the Root CA certificate (not the service or End Entity
>> certificate) and to not be queried again regarding acceptance of
>> the certificate for some reasonable period of time.
>>Given the likelihood that the end user will inappropriately
>>accept the certificate, attackers can easily insert a
>>TLS-protected machine in the middle.  Given this, it is quite
>>reasonable for implementors to offer (and deployers to demand)
>>additional safeguards.
>If the policy requirement of the deployers is to not accept the risk
>that the end user will accept certificate chains which cannot be verified
>by algorithmic means,

The policy might be to mitigate the risk that users won't do the
appropriate checks by requiring an additional layer of security.

>There is zero benefit to negotiating both TLS and SASL encryption/integrity

I disagree.  Multiple layer defenses have benefits.
