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Re: A concept resurrected(?) - WG secretary?

Dear All,

A couple of good ideas in this thread -

- prearranging two note-takers before the meeting,

- developing a minutes-nits list (we don't have any idea what
format to produce notes in; we had some complaints after the
last meeting that we had text minutes that were transformed into
HTML and all formatting lost, so this seems like a mimimum
requirement for IETF 58!)

We've tripped over some voracious scribes, especially on jabber,
at the last couple of meetings (the jabber logs for the IESG
plenary were almost word-for-word). It would be nice to
encourage this style of note-taking, AS WELL AS the "context and
decisions" style of minutes that we really need to publish. Most
WGs have either one or the other, so he-said/she-said minutes
are a forest and decisions minutes don't have enough redundancy
to identify missed sense-of-the-room calls.

I've been involved with WG chairs who were trying after the
meeting to identify what the sense of the room was for moving a
document forward - the note-takers missed the decision, and
nobody had a transcript, so...

And having he-said/she-said minutes on Jabber is really nice -
I'd like to see us commit to having Jabber logs at every IETF,
and start acting like this was normal. 


p.s. I am using the word "decision" to describe "sense of the
room", of course.