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WG Review: Long-Term Archive and Notary Services (ltans)


IETF seems to me the most proper venue to host LTANS wg, and I'd like to
see it starting as quick as possible.

Some sparse reasons follow:

- The subject matter is 'hot' but requisites are not completely clear.
- At present there is no open forum where to discuss the long-term 
  non-repudiation topic and propose technical solutions (as far as 
  I can tell).
- LTANS would boost some very interesting work items started by 
  the PKIX wg which, for one reason or another, has not reached 
  full maturity/deployment.
- Last but not least, the company I work with is going to invest in 
  the long-term archival area for the next 2 years, and they know that
  an open(ly discussed) and standard interface is very desirable.
