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Re: Evaluation: draft-rajeshkumar-mmusic-gpmd-03.txt to Proposed Standard

color me discuss, but expect me to be no-ob when my lack of
understanding is addressed.  i.e., my issues are not fundamental.


what is the need/rationale for avoiding mime registration?  if
there is a real need, and i assume there is, then the document
should make it clear.


   2.2 Offer/Answer Support 

    A bilateral gpmd parameter ...
                          In all other cases, operation MUST be as if 
   the gpmd parameter had not been included in the first place.  The 
   only exception to this rule is in the period between the offer being 
   issued and the answer being received; during that time, the offerer 
   MAY use the operation associated with the offered gpmd parameter for 
   any media received for that offer. 

does this mean that O could make an offer with gpmd X, and send
data which assumes successful negotiation of X before answerer A
has a chance to say "no thanks?"  therefore

   operation of a given media stream MUST NOT depend on one or more 
   participants either supporting or not supporting a given gpmd 

must be true in a very absolute sense.  how is that ensured?

or, put another way, during the negotiation gap, how is this
different from a unilateral gpmd?


   6.2 Creation of New SDP Sub-Registry for "gpmd" Parameters 

omits whether the parm is bi or unilateral, and it would seem to be
best if the iana registry contained that information.
