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RE: WG Chairs Training in Minneapolis

Hi Pekka,
> How big a room is this?  How many persons are you preparing for?

The room sizes for our Sunday training sessions are:

	Intro WG Chairs Training:  120 people
	Editors Training: 100 people
	Newcomers Training: 250 people
	Security Tutorial: 250 people

Intro WG Chairs, Editors and Newcomers will be held in parallel,
so people will have to choose which one to attend.  Typically, 
we have not gotten over 100 people for Newcomers, even when it has
been the only class running.  So, I hope that these room sizes
will be sufficient for everyone who wishes to attend.

> I think this would be very useful for not just WG draft 
> editors but other interested folks as well.

Anyone is welcome to attend any of the Sunday sessions.  They
will all be listed in the agenda and announced on ietf@ietf.org.

> If the number of folks is reasonably limited, I'll forward 
> this to the WG draft editors (or close to that) soon.  If 
> there's ample room, I think the whole WG or even other 
> medium could be useful.

Please feel free to let anyone know about all of our Sunday
courses.  The Wednesday class is exclusively for WG and BOF
Chairs or IESG/IAB members.

> I.e., is this a "seasonal topic replacement" for something like 
> newcomers' education, or just training for a small number of people..?

This is an additional class that is open to the public.  It does
not replace newcomers training -- both will be offered in Minneapolis
and (if we find them useful) at other IETF meetings.

Let me know if there are any further questions.
