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a personal plea regarding powerpoint presentations in Minneapolis


PowerPoint has become such a fixture at IETF, and the use of PowerPoint
consumes so much of our valuable meeting time, that I've attempted to
collect some useful advice about how best to do PowerPoint
presentations, especially in the IETF context.  For now I've put them on
a web page.  If the reception is favorable I might try to get them
published as an RFC, presumably after lots of revision.


It's short - about two printed us-letter pages.

I'm sending these to IESG rather than to the whole IETF list because
(a) I think this advice will be more effective if individual ADs 
encourage individual WGs and authors to look at it, and

(b) I don't want to be seen as trying to circumvent AD direction of
WGs and how they do their presentations.

These are just personal opinions, of course.  But I hope that people who
are currently planning to make presentations (or more appropriately,
lead discussions) in Minneapolis can be encouraged to make them as
effective as possible, whether or not they find this advice useful.

Comments should probably be sent to me personally. I'll try to
incorporate them in a later revision.
