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Worry about IPDVB charter

rereading the IESG list on the subject of IPDVB, I worry about this WG waltzing into a field where there's already lots of code in the field, without acknowledging it. But that's already mentioned....

Another worry:

2. The working group will investigate and design an efficient encapsulation
method for IPv4/IPv6, and advance this via the IESG to a standards-track
RFC. The design needs to consider the need for MAC addresses, the potential
need for synchronisation between streams, support for IPv6 and multicast
services, and support for multiple gateways (feeds).

"advance this via the IESG to a standards-track RFC" is an odd formulation, perhaps indicating lack of familiarity with IETF process.....

but more worrying is "synchronization between streams" popping up in the middle of an IP encapsulation discussion.
The Internet architecture (as I understand it) is strongly preferring solutions where the application layer (including the concept of "stream") is strongly decoupled from the IP layer (where encapsulation lives).

The sentence gives me horrible feelings of encapsulation schemes that peek into RTP packets to get at timestamps, so that they can be inserted into DVB time signals and get delivered with guaranteed timing intervals, or some similar layering problem - this would, to my mind, lead to very fragile systems with "interesting" error cases.

Can someone reassure me that this WG is not going to try to collapse the layers of the Internet architecture?
