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RE: Worry about IPDVB charter

Hi Harald,

> rereading the IESG list on the subject of IPDVB, I worry 
> about this WG waltzing into a field where there's already 
> lots of code in the field, without acknowledging it. But 
> that's already mentioned....

Yes, several people have raised this concern, and I 
am currently furiously busy trying to develop enough 
expertise in this area to have an informed opinion.  

I think we'll have to defer approval of this charter
until after Minneapolis.  I think that we should let the
group meet as a BOF, though, to resolve these issues.

> Can someone reassure me that this WG is not going to try to 
> collapse the layers of the Internet architecture?

While I agree with you that the wording is a bit 
strange, I can certainly reassure you that I won't 
let this group collapse the layers of the Internet 
architecture.  One of the challenges that this group
will need to overcome is that fact that there are very
few (if any) people with strong expertise in DVB
technologies, IP and IETF processes...  and I'm 
certainly not one of them, although I am trying.

I will work with the chair to clear up the wording in
the next version.
