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RE: Thinking about adding another AD in the General(ish) area

Hi Ted,

> Based on the comments from Thomas, me, and Margaret, would you
> be willing to do this as a request for a General AD (second 
> slot), with the discussion of whether this can be made Vice Chair, 
> should be the sole Gen AD with you as Chair, or would stay in the 
> usual "two in box" system to happen after a proposal has been 
> published and a discussion held?

I don't think that the IESG "proposes" a new slot -- I think that
our current document processes are pretty clear about the fact
that we can just add or remove IESG seats as needed, if we have
the consensus of the IESG to do so.  So, we would just open
a slot and send instructions to the nomcom (through the IESG
secretariat) to fill it.

The exact breakdown of duties between Harald and his co-AD is,
IMO, a General Area-internal issue, and it doesn't need to be
determined until after the person is chosen.

I agree, though, that we can't (or at least shouldn't) create
an "Assistant IETF Chair" role without wider community discussion
and buy-in.
