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Re: The future of the IETF

Ouch!  Some very hot cocoa came out of my nose
when I read this.

On reflection, though, it's pretty funny.

At 1:25 PM -0800 10/31/2003, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>I'm currently reading "Singularity Sky" by Charles Stross,
>which contains the following amusing passage:
>      "But the UN is a government--"
>      "No, it isn't," Martin insisted. "It's a talking shop. Started out
>      as a treaty organization, turned into a bureaucracy, then an escrow
>      agent for various transnational trade and standards agreements.
>      After the Singularity it was taken over by the Internet engineering
>      task force"
>So now you know what we have to look forward to.