Mr. Andrew Coyne Lecture

Mr. Andrew Coyne
The Globe and Mail

will be addressing the Vancouver Institute on November 5, 2011 at 8:15 p.m., Lecture Hall No. 2 in the Woodward Instructional Resources Centre, University of British Columbia.
Note: Photos still to come.


Democracy and Freedom:
Strange Bedfellows


National editor of Maclean's, Mr. Coyne was an original member of The National Post, where he was their national affairs columnist. He has established himself over the last two decades as one of this country's most thoughtful, passionate and articulate commentators on political and economic issues. Mr. Coyne has been an editorial writer, columnist and contributor for The Globe and Mail, The Financial Post, Saturday Night, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Time magazine. He is the winner of two National Newspaper Awards, and the Hyman Solomon Award for Excellence in Public Policy Journalism. He is also a member of the "At Issue" Panel on CBC's The National, appears on TVO's The Agenda, and once co-hosted Face-Off on CBC. Mr. Coyne’s lecture is co-sponsored by the BC Civil Liberties Association.