Dr. Art McDonald Lecture

Dr. Art McDonald
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

will be addressing the Vancouver Institute on October 18, 2008 at 8:15 p.m., Lecture Hall No. 2 in the Woodward Instructional Resources Centre, University of British Columbia.


How To Tell a Neutrino From a Hole In the Ground


A graduate of Dalhousie and Caltech, and recipient of some of the most prestigious prizes in physics, Dr. McDonald is director of one of the most innovative and important scientific experiments being conducted in Canada today. The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory is located 2 km underground in one of INCO’s old mines in Sudbury, Ontario. This massive research effort is designed to detect solar neutrinos and help in the study of other major scientific questions such as the nature of dark matter. In Dr. McDonald’s words, “The research that we are doing ... really bridges the entire universe. We are attempting to understand the most microscopic laws of physics that describe fundamental particles. And, in so doing, we try to understand the most detailed things about the universe, how it was created and evolved; in short, the origins of the universe.”