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Re: FW: Questions about tunneltrace

Ron> Strictly  speaking,  I  am  not  tracing through  the  user-plane,  but
Ron> bouncing back and forth between the user-plane and the control-plane. I
Ron> have no choice but to do so.

Perhaps.   But then your  requirement of  not relying  on the  control plane
needs to be removed.

Once that requirement is removed, though, various other alternatives suggest
themselves, such  as using  SNMP to  get the information  from the  MIBs, or
having a special "trace packet" that accumulates the path information inside
itself, and  then returns the entire trace  in one packet back  to the user.
It would be useful  to see some discussion of why the  proposal in the draft
is better than these alternatives.  (Note  that I'm not saying that it isn't
better than these alternatives.) 

Ron> Isn't that the kind of layer violation that we are trying to avoid? 

Can you articulate this layer violation?