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RE: Optical Link Interface - Correction

Forgot to attach the new NTIP draft.
Also, I meant "working on (4)", not (3).

Bala Rajagopalan
Tellium, Inc.
2 Crescent Place
P.O. Box 901
Oceanport, NJ 07757-0901
Tel: (732) 923-4237
Fax: (732) 923-9804
Email: braja@tellium.com 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bala Rajagopalan 
> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 9:28 AM
> To: 'Andre Fredette'; ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> Subject: RE: Optical Link Interface
> Andre:
> I believe you're counting me in the "agnostic" category.
> I hope this is not taken as "don't care", since I
> do have an interest in making a choice quickly.
> I have looked at the LMP-WDM draft (again) and the new
> NTIP draft sent by Osama (attached). I see the following:
> 1. Both these solutions gloss over the details of
>    auto-discovery between OXCs and WDM. (Note: the
>    issues are the same regardless of the protocol used
>    and neither provides full details. Furthermore,
>    the hardware requirements and actions under both 
>    are the same).
> 2. If we leave out (1), then the other functions are
>    based on messaging over the control channel
>    between the OXC and the WDM. This messaging
>    can be done one way or the other. 
> 3. Both require control channel maintenance using
>    (simple) keepalive.
> 4. It seems LMP-WDM can be streamlined to make it
>    more lean and mean. 
> Unless there is a significant technical issue
> of one choice over the other, we have to consider
> the fact that LMP-WDM has the first mover advantage.
> Is it possible for
> the NTIP proponents to seriously consider working on
> (3)? Specifically, focus LMP-WDM on OLI requirements
> only and not carry any unrelated LMP concepts into
> LMP-WDM. Would this satisfy the design motivation for NTIP?
> Regards,
> Bala
> Bala Rajagopalan
> Tellium, Inc.
> 2 Crescent Place
> P.O. Box 901
> Oceanport, NJ 07757-0901
> Tel: (732) 923-4237
> Fax: (732) 923-9804
> Email: braja@tellium.com 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Andre Fredette [mailto:fredette@photonex.com]
> > Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 2:52 PM
> > To: ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> > Subject: RE: Optical Link Interface
> > 
> > 
> >  From my count on the mailing list we have the following 
> > results so far:
> > 
> > LMP-WDM:  8
> > NTIP: 3 (All from Nortel)
> > Agnostic: 1
> > 
> > And then there are the other 16 co-authors of LMP-WDM who 
> > haven't posted 
> > (perhaps because they don't think they have any new points to add).
> > 
> > Andre
> > 
> > At 02:00 PM 7/26/2001 -0400, Martin Dubuc wrote:
> > >Kireeti,
> > >
> > >I have been following this thread with great interest. I 
> > agree with your
> > >conclusion that we should pick one protocol and move forward.
> > >
> > >You are talking about WG reaching a consensus. I cannot see 
> > how this is
> > >possible given the two very different views I see in the 
> latest email
> > >exchanges.
> > >
> > >How can we resolve the current dispute? What forum should we 
> > use to make
> > >a final decision on this?
> > >
> > >Martin
> > >
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: Kireeti Kompella [mailto:kireeti@juniper.net]
> > >Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 9:57 PM
> > >To: jamoussi@nortelnetworks.com; kireeti@juniper.net;
> > >osama@nortelnetworks.com
> > >Cc: bon@nortelnetworks.com; ccamp@ops.ietf.org;
> > >vasants@nortelnetworks.com
> > >Subject: RE: Optical Link Interface
> > >
> > >
> > >Hi Osama,
> > >
> > > > Even though I don't think reviving CR-LDP and RSVP-TE 
> > history will get
> > >us
> > > > anywhere
> > >
> > >"Those who forget (ignore) history are doomed to repeat it."
> > >
> > >Yes, it makes for painful recollections.  We're living with the
> > >consequences now, though, and I don't want to again.
> > >
> > > > the existence of two protocols here have proven to be useful.
> > >
> > >That's not what I'm hearing, either from customers, or from the
> > >WG (admittedly, the sample is small).
> > >
> > >Listen carefully: I don't want LMP-WDM and NTIP moving forward.
> > >Just NTIP (or NTIP and LMP) is OKAY if that is what the WG
> > >consensus is.  LMP-WDM and LMP works too.
> > >
> > >So: you've got the WG chairs (scarred and grumpy), the ADs
> > >and TA (speak up if I'm misrepresenting you), and customers
> > >saying, Pick one protocol and move forward.  Let's do that.
> > >And, please, as Vijay says, let's resolve this already.
> > >
> > >Kireeti.
> > 

CCAMP WG                                                       V. Sahay 
                                                           B. Narayanan 
Internet Draft                                             R. Ramaswami 
Document: draft-sahay-ccamp-ntip-01.txt                   O. Aboul-Magd 
                                                            B. Jamoussi 
                                                        Nortel Networks 
                                                                R. Jain 
                                                         S. Dharanikota 
                                                         Nayna Networks 
                                                             R. Hartani 
                                                       Caspian Networks 
                                                              July 2001 
        Network Transport Interface Protocol (NTIP) for Photonic  
                          Cross Connects (PXC) 
Status of this Memo 
   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with 
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [1].  
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that 
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
   Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of 
   six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other 
   documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts 
   as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in 
   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 
   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 
1. Abstract 
   This draft describes the transport network interface protocol (NTIP) 
   for photonic cross connects (PXC). NTIP is implemented between a PXC 
   and transport network element (TNEs), also known as line systems. 
   NTIP is a protocol that uses TCP/IP for the transport of information 
   related to defect notification, trace monitoring, adjacency 
   discovery, and diagnostic messages between directly attached PXC and 
   TNE. The use of TCP as the transport protocol ensures reliable and 
   in-sequence delivery of NTIP messages. 
2. Conventions used in this document 
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   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [2]. 
3. Introduction 
   Fast restoration of failed light paths is critical for PXCs and it 
   requires support for fast and accurate failure detection. Most PXCs 
   do not look into the optical signals that flow through them. Some 
   can detect presence or loss of light on a port. However presence of 
   light does not necessarily mean that the light path is fine. For 
   example when a link fails, generators between the point of failure 
   and the PXC may inject an alarm indication signal (AIS) on a light 
   signal. Unless the PXC decodes the framing of the light signal 
   (possibly using some electrical circuitry), AIS will appear as 
   presence of light. Also, some of the DWDM equipment (also called 
   Transport Network Elements in this document) can control the 
   switching ON and OFF of the AIS by configuration (or on demand). This 
   feature can be leveraged to the advantage of the faster fault 
   detection and hence the recovery times. 
   Unlike the PXC, the transport network elements (TNE) attached to it 
   are aware of their equipment failure as well as the quality and 
   framing of the light paths passing through them. Failure information 
   can be dynamically conveyed from the TNE to the PXC using out of 
   band IP messaging. 
   The transport network interface protocol (NTIP) defines the set of 
   messages and the transport mechanism used for the exchange of 
   failure conditions. NTIP is implemented between the PXC and the TNE. 
   NTIP is an IP message handshake transported over an IP network. The 
   implementation of NTIP between TNE and PXC achieves the following 
   - Defect Notification: NTIP is used by the TNE to relay failure 
     conditions and precise link, fiber, and equipment status 
     notification to PXC. Defect reporting can be both event-driven 
     (e.g., link failures), polling-driven (e.g., regular link sanity 
     checks) or time-driven (e.g., periodic). 
   - Trace Monitoring: A PXC can use NTIP to request a TNE to monitor a 
     certain pattern in the overhead of a light path. This capability 
     could be used by PXC for validating light path identity. 
   - Diagnostics: NTIP could be used by OXC to request a TNE to perform 
     diagnostics on any port or channel. 
   - Adjacency Discovery: NTIP could be used by both PXC and TNE to 
     send and receive in band signals for automatic discovery of their 
     optical connectivity. 

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   This draft describes NTIP procedures and messages to achieve its 
   design goals. 
4. Reference Model 
   The current generation of PXCs will interoperate with opaque line 
   systems such as SONET regenerators, wavelength translators, etc. 
   Eventually when enough transparent line systems are deployed, PXCs 
   will interwork with them leading to an all optical network (AON). 
   The need for NTIP exists in both cases. The following reference 
   model focuses on interoperation of PXCs with opaque line systems. 
   A reference model is shown in Figure 1. TNE are used to connect PXC 
   ports to the transport system. TNE could be a set of OEO devices 
   followed by a DWDM mux as shown in Figure 1. A TNE regenerates the 
   signal coming from the PXC and might be capable of translating the 
   wavelength. The key features of a TNE in the reference model are its 
   ability to detect defects on its ports and to communicate defect 
   information back to the PXC using NTIP. 
                Drop    Line 
                Side    side 
                 |      | 
                 |      | 
      +---------+|  TNE | |\                /|   TNE   +---------+ 
      |     +---|V +---+V | \              / |  +---+  |---+     | 
      |     |Por|->|   |->|  \            /  |<-|   |<-|Por|     | 
      |     |  t|  |---|  |   \          /   |  |---|  |  t|     | 
      |     |   |<-|   |<-|    \        /    |->|   |->|   |     |  
      |     +---|  +---+  |     \=====>/     |  +---+  |---+     | 
      |         |         |     /<=====\     |         |     PXC | 
      | PXC +---|  +---+  |    /        \    |  +---+  |---+     | 
      |     |Por|->|   |->|   /          \   |<-|   |<-|Por|     | 
      |     |  t|  |---|  |  /            \  |  |---|  |  t|     | 
      |     |   |<-|   |<-| /  DWDM MUX    \ |->|   |->|   |     | 
      |     +---|  +---+  |/                \|  +---+  |---+     | 
      |=========|                                      |=========| 
      |controlle|  +===+                        +===+  |controlle| 
      | r       |<>|   |                        |   |<>| r       | 
      +---------+^ +===+                        +===+ ^+---------+ 
                 |  TNE                          TNE  | 
                 | controller             controller  | 
               NTIP                                   NTIP 
   PXC = Photonic CrossConnect        TNE = Transport Network Element 
   TX = Transmit                      RX = Receive 
               FIGURE 1: PXC to TNE Reference Configuration 
   Each PXC port consists of two unidirectional fibers, one for input 
   (RX) and one for output (TX). Four TNE ports are associated with 
   each PXC port (RX and TX). The TNE port that is connected to PXC is 
   referred to as drop-side port, and the one that is connected to the 
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   line is called the line-side port. Figure 1 shows that a PXC will 
   communicate with several TNEs. On the other hand, a TNE only 
   communicates with a single PXC. 
   A TNE can detect failures on signals it receives. Additionally some 
   TNEs may be able to detect certain failures on their output ports 
   such as laser failure.  
5. NTIP Overview 
5.1 Configuration 
   Whenever automatic discovery is not available, a PXC is provisioned 
   with information on how its ports are connected to TNE. It is also 
   provisioned with the primary and the secondary IP addresses of each 
   TNE connected to it. 
   NTIP defines a set of configurable parameters such as protocol 
   timers, retry counts, etc. Those parameters could be assigned 
   default values or allowed to be set as needed or negotiated. 
5.2 Registration 
   As a TNE starts up, it registers with the PXC whose address is 
   configured in it. A TNE registers by opening a TCP session with the 
   PXC, and sending a registration request message. TNE registration 
   allows PXC to create its internal context structure for this 
   particular TNE. 
5.3 Keep Alive 
   NTIP utilizes keep alive messages. Keep alive messages are exchanged 
   periodically between TNE and PXC to verify the sanity of the 
   connection. The keep alive message interval is a configurable 
5.4 Automatic Discovery 
   A PXC might have hundreds or even thousands of ports. Manual entries 
   of port adjacency between PXC and TNEs connected to it is tedious 
   and error prone. Furthermore manual entry has to be repeated every 
   time there is change in adjacency due to, for instance, re-cabling. 
   One application of the NTIP interface is for use in automatic 
   adjacency discovery between PXC and TNEs. For that purpose it is 
   assumed that the TNE is aware of its ports mapping, i.e. the mapping 
   between its drop side TX and RX ports, and its line side ports. This 
   mapping is mad available using NTIP to the auto discovery process 
   The TNE drop side port is supposed to operate in one of two modes, 
   Pass-through and Insert. In the Insert mode the drop side TX inserts 
   an identity pattern into the signal overhead, e.g. J0. The PXC is 
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   made aware of the TNE port identity patterns over the NTIP interface 
   using a MappingTable message. In the Pass-through mode, the TNE drop 
   side TX passes the signal without modification. 
   The auto discovery process starts with the PXC port establishing a 
   cross connect to a well-known Test RX as shown in Figure 2. The PXC 
   then sends a ModeSwitch message to the TNE to switch the TNE drop 
   side TX mode to the Insert mode. The TNE starts inserting its 
   identity pattern (could be a system wide unique id or a trail trace 
                 +-------------+     +----+----+ 
                 |             |---->| RX | TX |---> 
                 |             |     +----+----+ 
                 |    PXC      | 
                 |             |     +----+----+ 
                 |             |<----| TX | RX |<--- 
                 |             |     +----+----+ 
                   |       ^    <--  NTIP--> 
                   |       | 
                   V       | 
                 +---+   +---+ 
                 |   |   |   | 
                 +---+   +---+ 
                  Test    Test 
                   RX      TX 
                  Figure 2: Auto Discovery Configuration 
   The Test RX is requested to report the Identity message it sees. The 
   ADP maps the identity message to the drop side TX port id and the 
   PXC port id. To verify mapping, the Test TX is requested to send the 
   same identity pattern to the TNE drop side RX over NTIP using the 
   discovered PXC port. The TNE drop side RX verify the received 
   identity pattern and reports match pr mismatch. 
   The Test TX/RX could be internal or external to the PXC. In the case 
   of external Test TX/RX, communication would be done over NTIP 
   The procedure for auto-discovery is also applicable for link 
5.5 Defect Monitoring 
   Defect monitoring is initiated by the PXC by telling the TNE which 
   ports to monitor for defects (signal degradation, loss of light, 
   etc.). Defect monitoring will be initiated by the PXC after setting 
   a light path through a TNE port. PXC terminates defect monitoring on 
   a port before it disconnects the light path on that port. 
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5.6 Trace Monitoring 
   Trace monitoring ensures that a light path is connected to the 
   correct client. A trace (light path Id) is injected by the client in 
   the light path. After setting up a light path, PXC will request TNE 
   to match the supplied trace id with that in the light path. The TNE 
   informs the PXC in case of a mismatch.  
   Trace Id is a pattern that can be injected and monitored in a light 
   path without affecting its payload. A few different alternative ways 
   of implementing it are possible. Trace Id may be injected in wrapper 
   or as a pilot tone. NTIP supports all of them. 
   The PXC discontinue the trace monitoring process for a particular 
   light path before deleting it. 
5.7 Status Request/Response 
   Status request is initiated by the PXC and is triggered by an NTIP 
   user application, e.g. NMS. Status response contains the status of 
   the requested to TNE ports. It is sent by the TNE in response to 
   status request. 
5.8 Batching of Messages 
   To reduce message traffic, TNE can pack several defect notification 
   messages into a single message. Latency could be experienced as a 
   result of batching since TNE has to hold off sending defects for an 
   amount of time necessary to collect enough defects. 
5.9 Resynchronization 
   Resynchronization is needed every time an NTIP session restarts. An 
   NTIP session could restart due to TCP connection failure, PXC 
   restart due to internal reasons, e.g. control plan restart or PXC 
   restart, TNE restart, or as a result of a deletion of the NTIP 
   session due to time out. 
   Each TNE keeps track of its NTIP session. If the session is deleted, 
   it attempts to create another session over TCP/IP periodically. The 
   time it waits before initiating a second attempt is a configurable 
   Once TNE succeeds in creating a TCP connection with PXC, it repeats 
   the registration procedure as mentioned in section 5.2. Upon 
   receiving the registration request, the PXC goes into a 
   resynchronization phase requesting an update on the port status of 
   all TNE ports that it is interested in. The PXC confirms the end of 
   the synchronization phase to the TNE when it receives the status of 
   all the requested ports. 
   Resynchronization helps the reporting of failure events that would 
   have been missed by the PXC due to the NTIP session being down. It 
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Draft-sahay-ccamp-ntip-01.txt                                July 2001 
   also allows the TNE not to remember the defects monitoring commands 
   given before resynchronization. 
5.10 TNE to PXC Transport 
   A single high availability router/switch is recommended for 
   connecting TNE to PXC. This transport arrangement is referred to as 
   NTIP transport network. TNE defect messages are required to reach 
   the PXC with little delays. It is recommended that the NTIP network 
   supports the priority handling of packets, e.g. differentiated 
   services. Messages related to defect reporting are transported with 
   high priority. All other messages, that are not time critical, are 
   transported using a lower priority. 
   NTIP messages are transported reliably using TCP as the transport 
   protocol. The use of TCP also ensures in-sequence delivery of NTIP 
   messages, hence relieving the protocol developer from creating an 
   additional layer for reliable delivery. 
   Figure 3 shows the logical connectivity between PXC and TNE. 
                     +-----+                             +-----+ 
                     |     |   +--------------+          +----+   | 
                     |     |   |             |-------+----+ |--+ 
                     | PXC |---|  IP Network |-------|    |-+ 
                     |     |   |             |       +----+ 
                     |     |   +-------------+         TNEs 
                               TCP Session                        
                  FIGURE 3: PXC-TNE Logical Connectivity 
   Figure 3 emphasizes the fact that a PXC communicates with several 
   TNEs while a TNE only communicates with a single PXC. 
5.11 Defect Types 
   A TNE will report the following defects to PXC.  
   - Signal Degrade (SD): TNE reports this type of failure when the 
     light signal on one of its ports degrades below a configured 
   - Signal Fails (SF): TNE reports SF to PXC when the incoming signal 
     fails on one of its ports. 
   - AIS: TNE reports AIS to PXC when it detects AIS-LINE on one of its 
   - Trace Mismatch: TNE reports Trace Mismatch when it mismatch is 
     detected by one of its ports between an injected pattern and the 
     expected pattern. 
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   - Equipment Failure: TNE will notify PXC of equipment failure (e.g. 
     OEO card or laser failure on the transport side) and the port 
     number that suffered the failure. 
6.0 NTIP and OLI Requirements 
   The requirements for the interface between PXC and the line system, 
   denoted as OLI (Optical Link Interface), have been discusses in [3]. 
   Most of those requirements have been taken from the earlier version 
   of this draft that was presented back in March during the IETF 50 
   meeting. In this section we discuss how far NTIP satisfies those 
6.1 General OLI Characteristics 
   General OLI requirements are reliabile, secure, and simple. NTIP 
   meets the reliability and security requirements by employing TCP as 
   its transport mechanism. TCP provide reliable and orderly 
   transmission of NTIP messages. Furthermore it provides a flow 
   control mechanism that allows for bulk transmission of NTIP 
   messages. The TCP window mechanism paces messages for cases where 
   the traffic volume increase for instance due to, for instance, re-
   Line systems (TNEs) do not usually have much memory, and can only 
   keep a limited amount of state. NTIP achieves simplicity by 
   establishing a master-slave, as opposed to peer, relationship 
   between the PXC and TNEs. This minimizes the amount of states kept 
   at the TNE and makes efficient used of the limited memory available. 
6.2 OLI Functionality 
   OLI basic functionality as defined in [3] are: neighbor discovery, 
   control channel maintenance, re-synchronization, connectivity 
   discovery, fault management, and link property information. 
   Neighbor discovery and control channel maintenance are achieved in 
   NTIP by means of a simple registration and keep alive procedures.  
   Connectivity discovery has been discussed in section 5.4. It allows 
   for the automatic discovery and mapping between PXC ports and TNE 
   Fault management and re-synchronization have always been the main 
   focus of NTIP as discussed in a previous revision of this draft. 
   Fault management includes fault notification and trace monitoring, 
   both have originally been introduced in a previous revision of this 
   draft. NTIP introduced the notion of priority handing of fault 
   notification messages to expedite light path recovery and 
   restoration in the order of few tens ms. 

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   Trace monitoring has ingeniously been introduced by NTIP and has 
   been adopted as one of the main requirements of OLI.  
   Most of the link property information, e.g. SRLG and span length can 
   be configured. If necessary they can be added to NTIP with minor 
7.0 NTIP Messages and Procedures 
   All NTIP messages start with the following two fields: 
   NTIP Vers:  
      2-byte field that contains the NTIP protocol version number. 
      2-byte field that contains the message type 
   The version number provides the features supported by the other side 
   of the NTIP communication. It is only verified at the establishment 
   of NTIP session, and is used during registration and 
   resynchronization states.  
7.1 Registration Message 
   The format of the Registration Message is: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     NTIP Vers                 |      Type                     | 
      |                                                               | 
      +                                                               + 
      |                                                               | 
      +                TNE Model Number                               + 
      |                                                               | 
      +                                                               + 
      |                                                               | 

     Type = REG-REQ  
   TNE Model Number: 
     16-byte filed that specifies the TNE model number 
     Registration Message is sent by the TNE to the PXC at start up. If 
     a PXC receives a Registration Message with a different NTIP Vers 
     than expected it may take one of the following actions: 
     - Reject the registration request 

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     - Reject the registration request if the received NTIP Vers differs 
       by more than an allowed difference. If the difference is 
       acceptable, then the message set common to the two versions will 
       be supported. 
7.2 Registration Complete Message 
   The format of the Registration Complete Message is: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     NTIP Vers                 |      Type                     | 
     Type = REG-COMPLETE  
     The Registration Complete Message is sent by PXC to TNE indicating 
     a successful completion of the registration. The message is sent 
     only during the initial synchronization phase. 
7.3 KeepAlive Message 
   The format of the KeepAlive Message is: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     NTIP Vers                 |      Type                     | 
     Type = KEEP-ALIVE-REQ  
   The KeepAlive Message is sent by the TNE to PXC every T-keep-alive-
   interval seconds (the default is 60 seconds). If PXC does not receive 
   a KeepAlive Message every T-keep-alive-timeout (t-keep-alive-timeout 
   = 3*T-keep-alive-interval), it takes down the NTIP session. 
7.4 KeepAlive Response Message 
   The format of the KeepAlive Response Message is: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     NTIP Vers                 |      Type                     | 
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     Type = KEEP-ALIVE_RES 
     The KeepAlive Response Message is sent by PXC to TNE in response to 
     a KeepAlive Message. 
7.5 Monitor Request Message 
   The format of the Monitor Request Message is: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     NTIP Vers                 |      Type                     | 
      |            Length             |      Reserved                 | 
      |        No. of Ports           |      Reserved                 | 
      |                         Port Address                          | 
      |AR |DM | TType |MT | Tr Len    |       Reserved                | 
      |                                                               | 
      ~                           Trace ID                            ~ 
      |                                                               | 
      |                                                               | 
      ~                                                               ~ 
      |                                                               | 
      |                         Port Address                          | 
      |AR |DM | TType |MT | Tr Len    |       Reserved                | 
      |                                                               | 
      ~                           Trace ID                            ~ 
      |                                                               | 

     Type = MON-REQ  
   No. of Ports:  
     2-byte field that contains the number of ports reported in this 
   Port Address: 
     4-byte field that is formatted as: 

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      |    shelf      |      slot     |    Sub Slot   |    port       | 
   Alarm Reporting, AR: 
     2-bit field that indicates start, stop, or no change to alarm 
   Defect Monitoring, DM: 
     2-bit field that indicates start, stop, or no change to failure 
   Trace Type, TType: 
     4-bit used to indicate the trace type. Possible types are, pilot 
     tone, wrapper, J0 bytes. 
   Monitor of Trace, MT: 
     2-bit field that indicates start, stop, or no change to trace 
   Trace Length, Tr Len: 
     6-bit field that indicates the length of the monitored trace. 
   Trace ID: 
     Up to 63 bytes. It defines the trace to be monitored. User could 
     treat the Trace ID as ASCII or binary 
     The Monitor Request Message is sent by PXC to TNE. After setting a 
     light path through TNE, PXC will send Monitor Request Message 
     indicating the start of defect monitoring and the list of monitored 
     ports. Before disconnecting a light path, PXC sends Monitor Request 
     Message with DM set to stop indicating the end of the defect 
     monitoring process. 
     The Monitor Request Message is also used for the start and the stop 
     of alarm reporting and trace monitoring. Upon the start of trace 
     monitoring, the PXC supplies the Trace ID to be compared to that in 
     the light path (say, in SONET J0 bytes, or in wrapper, or pilot 
     tone). Trace ID is not included in the Monitor Request Message when 
     MT is set to stop or no change. 
7.6 Defect Notification 
   The format for the Defect Notification Message is: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     NTIP Vers                 |      Type                     | 
      |            Length             |      Reserved                 | 
Sahay                    Expires January 2002                       12 
Draft-sahay-ccamp-ntip-01.txt                                July 2001 
      |        No. of Ports           |      Reserved                 | 
      |                         Port Address                          | 
      |  FS   |       FT      |       Reserved                        | 
      |                                                               | 
      ~                                                               ~ 
      |                                                               | 
      |                         Port Address                          | 
      |  FS   |       FT      |       Reserved                        | 
   Failure Status, FS: 
     2-bit field that indicates fail or clear. 
   Failure Type, FT: 
     1-byte filed that indicates the failure (defect) type as discussed 
     in section 5.10. 
     The Defect Notification Message is sent by the TNE in response to a 
     PXC Monitor Request Message. The Defect Notification Message is 
     sent with the highest possible priority to reach the destination 
     PXC in a timely fashion. 
7.7 Status Request Message 
    The format of the Status Request Message is: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     NTIP Vers                 |      Type                     | 
      |            Length             |      Reserved                 | 
      |        No. of Ports           |      Reserved                 | 
      |                         Port Address                          | 
      | Tag   |                    Reserved                           | 
      |                                                               | 
      ~                                                               ~ 
      |                                                               | 
Sahay                    Expires January 2002                       13 
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      |                         Port Address                          | 
      | Tag   |                    Reserved                           | 
     Type = STATUS-REQ  
     A 4-bit field that is used for message identification 
     The Status Request Message is sent by PXC to TNE to solicit the 
     status of some or all of the TNE ports. Status Request Message 
     could also be sent to query the status of a previously issued 
     Monitor Request Message. 
7.8 Status Response Message 
   The format of the Status Response Message is: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     NTIP Vers                 |      Type                     | 
      |            Length             |      Reserved                 | 
      |        No. of Ports           |      Reserved                 | 
      |                         Port Address                          | 
      | Tag   | CStat |    Dyn Stat   |   Reserved                    | 
      |                                                               | 
      ~                                                               ~ 
      |                                                               | 
      |                         Port Address                          | 
      | Tag   | CStat |    Dyn Stat   |   Reserved                    | 

     Type = STATUS-RESP  
   Configuration Status, CStat: 
     4-bit field that indicates the provisioned state of a TNE port. It 
     indicates whether the port is enabled or disabled. 
   Dynamic State, Dyn Stat: 

Sahay                    Expires January 2002                       14 
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     1-byte field that indicates the failure type experience by a TNE 
     The Status Response Message is sent from TNE to PXC. A TNE sends a 
     Status Response Message in response to a Status Request Message. 
     For each port requested, the Status Response Message includes a 
     configuration status (enabled or disabled), and a dynamic port 
     defect status that specify the failure type as discussed in 
     section 5.10. 
7.9 Configuration Update 
   The format of the Configuration Update Message is: 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     NTIP Vers                 |      Type                     | 
      |            Length             |      Reserved                 | 
      |        No. of Ports           |      Reserved                 | 
      |                         Port Address                          | 
      |   CStat       |    Dyn Stat   |   Reserved                    | 
      |                                                               | 
      ~                                                               ~ 
      |                                                               | 
      |                         Port Address                          | 
      |   CStat       |    Dyn Stat   |   Reserved                    | 
     Type = CONFIG-UPDATE  
     The Configuration Update Message is sent unsolicited by TNE to 
     PXC. It is used for dynamically modifying the configuration while 
     in operation.  
8. Security Considerations 
   This draft does not introduce any new security issues. 
9. References 

Sahay                    Expires January 2002                       15 
Draft-sahay-ccamp-ntip-01.txt                                July 2001 
   1  Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", BCP 
      9, RFC 2026, October 1996. 
   2  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement 
      Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997 
   3  A. Fredette, Editor, “ Optical Link Interface Requirements”, 
      draft-many-oli-reqts-00.txt, work in progress, June 2001 
10. Author's Addresses 
   Vasant Sahay 
   Nortel Networks 
   2305 Mission College Blvd 
   Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA 
   Phone: 408-565-4601 
   E.mail: vasants@nortelnetworks.com 
   Rajiv Ramaswami 
   Nortel Networks 
   2305 Mission College Blvd 
   Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA 
   Phone: 408-565-4621 
   Email: rajiv@nortelnetworks.com 
   Babu Narayanan 
   Nortel Networks 
   2305 Mission College Blvd 
   Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA 
   Phone: 408-565-4537 
   Email: bon@nortelnetworks.com 
   Osama S. Aboul-Magd 
   Nortel Networks 
   P.O. Box 3511, Station C 
   Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 
   K1Y 4H7 
   Phone: 613-763-5827 
   Email: osama@nortelnetworks.com 
   Bilel Jamoussi 
   Nortel Networks 
   600 Technology Park Drive 
   Billerica, MA 01821, USA 
   Phone: 978-288-4506 
   Email: jamoussi@nortelnetworks.com 
Sahay                    Expires January 2002                       16 
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   Raj Jain 
   Nayna Networks, Inc. 
   157 Topaz St 
   Milpitas, CA 95035, USA 
   Phone: 408-956-8000 Ext 309 
   Email: raj@nayna.com 
   Sudheer Dharanikota 
   Nayna Networks, Inc. 
   157 Topaz St 
   Milpitas, CA 95035, USA 
   Phone: 408-956-8000 Ext 357 
   Email: Sudheer@nayna.com 
   Riad Hartani 
   Caspian Networks 
   170 Bytech Drive 
   San Jose, CA 95134, USA 
   Phone: 408-382-5216 
   Email: riad@caspiannetworks.com 

Sahay                    Expires January 2002                       17 
Draft-sahay-ccamp-ntip-01.txt                                July 2001 
Full Copyright Statement 

   "Copyright (C) The Internet Society (date). All Rights Reserved. 
   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to 
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it 
   or assist in its implmentation may be prepared, copied, published 
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any 
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph 
   are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this 
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing 
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other 
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of 
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for 
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be 
   followed, or as required to translate it into 

Sahay                    Expires January 2002                       18