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Re: CCAMP WG action items

At 12:15 PM 8/8/01, Kireeti Kompella wrote:
>    draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-cr-ldp-04.txt
>    draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-rsvp-te-04.txt
>    draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-05.txt

Here's a summary of what changed in this rev of the drafts:
o Fixed Label Set format (for LDP)
         [Increased field size to match LDP type field size]
o Added Switching type of LSP being requested
         [This field was in an earlier version of the drafts]
         [Is required for links that support multiple switching types]
o Added Administrative Status Information
         [To address last call comments (notably from the
                 carrier community)]
o Added section on Control Channel Separation
     - Separation of control and data channels
         [To address last call comments (notably from the
                 carrier community)]
     - Restoration of state post control channel failures
         [Again to address last call comments, is required by
          control / data channel separation.]
o Other minor editorial and clarification text
         [some based on comments received]

So far the following changes are planned based on comments received since 
the above were issued:
- Update LSP Encoding Type to remove redundant SONET/SDH types
- Use a new object type rather than suggested_label when supporting restart
         - to simplify restart processing
- Add some clarification text on error processing and when an LSP is usable
- Add IANA considerations section

That's it,