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OLI/LMP-WDM/NTIP => next step in ITU-T SG15


I am pleased to announce the availability of 4 contributions for the upcoming
SG15 meeting addressing the rationale/architecture, applications, physical and
performance aspects of the interface between an OLS and an PXC. 

These contributions resulted from interaction with key players(*) in the IETF
ccamp WG concerning the OLI, LMP-WDM and NTIP activities. 

	(*) Osama Aboul-Magd, Curtis Brownmiller, John Drake, Andre Fredette
	    and Jonathan Lang

You will find the contributions (in word97 and pdf formats) in 

This interface is referred to by many names so far: LMP-WDM, OLI, NTIP, OTM-LF. 
In the contributions, it is referred to as Virtual Backplane Interface (VBI),
but a better name is urgently needed... 

This interface is a true transport plane interface and once standardized by
ITU-T SG15 it should be usable for the purposes needed by ITU-T/T1, IETF ccamp
WG and OIF. 

Please review the contributions and provide comment either during the upcoming
SG15 meeting in Geneva (Oct. 15-26) or via correspondence. These contributions
are intended to provide a framework for the new interface specification. The
specification work itself is obviously the next step and a united ITU-T/T1/IETF
CCAMP/OIF effort to progress this specification would be an excellent way


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org:Optical Network Group;Lucent Technologies Nederland
title:Consulting Member of Technical Staff
adr;quoted-printable:;;Botterstraat 45=0D=0A=0D=0A;1271 XL Huizen;;;The Netherlands
fn:Maarten Vissers