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Re: Moving right along ...

Hi Zhi:

Zhi-Wei Lin wrote:

>  From what I understand G.ason and G.dcm is developed to describe the
> process and the minimal requirements needed to support a basic switched
> transport service. GMPLS is a protocol specific implementation that will
> likely meet many of the requirements, and may have some minor areas that
> it does not meet. Then the question to ask (as with any requirements and
> architecture work -- I'm sure we all have architects in our company) is:
> how critical are the requirements that may not be met and what changes
> are needed to GMPLS (if any) in order to meet them?

It may be a good idea to explain where GMPLS is lacking in meeting ASON
and DCM requirements. YOu, being involved in this process, is the best
person to articulate the major drawbacks. WHy don't you spend a minute in
higlighting them.

THese discussions are becoming highly non-technical and unproductive. Let us
streamline our energy to a common cause - find the enhancements needed to
accomodate ASON architecture.


