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Comments on LMP MIB

          My feedback comments are prefixed "BM>"


7.5.  lmpLinkVerificationTable

   This table represents the link verification parameters associated
   with the TE links.

BM> Add "Augments lmpTeLinkTable"


7.7.  lmpDataBearingLinkPerfTable

   This table contains the objects to measure the LMP performance of
   data-bearing links and is an AUGMENT to the lmpDataBearingLinkTable.

BM> Add "Augments lmpDataBearingLinkTable"


8.  Example of LMP Control Channel Setup

   In this section we provide a brief example of using the MIB
   objects described in section 11 to set up an LMP control channel.
   While this example is not meant to illustrate every nuance of the
   MIB, it is intended as an aid to understanding some of the key
   concepts. It is meant to be read after going through the MIB itself.

BM> Should read "objects desribed in section 10"

lmpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "The desired operational status of LMP on the node."
   DEFVAL        { up }
   ::= { lmpObjects 1 }

BM> Do we mean administrative state?


   SYNTAX        SEQUENCE OF LmpNbrEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "This table specifies the neighbor node to which control channels
        may be established."
   ::= { lmpObjects 2 }

BM> neighbor node(s)
      lmpNbrRetransmitInterval           = 10

Wouldn't want this to be the same for link verification, summary etc.
lmpNbrAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "The desired operational status of LMP to this remote node."
   ::= { lmpNbrEntry 3 }

BM> Do we mean desired admin. state?


BM> Presumably, this serves as the default value for lmpCcHelloIntervalMin?


BM> Presumably, this serves as the default value for lmpCcHelloIntervalMax?


BM> Presumably, this serves as the default value for lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalMin?


BM> Presumably, this serves as the default value for lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalMax?

lmpCcHelloDeadIntervalDefault OBJECT-TYPE

   SYNTAX        LmpInterval
   MAX-ACCESS    read-write
   STATUS        current
       "This object specifies the default HelloDeadInterval parameter to
        use in the Hello protocol keep-alive phase. It indicates how long
        a device should wait before declaring the control channel dead.
        The HelloDeadInterval parameter must be greater than the
        HelloInterval parameter and should be at least three times the
        value of HelloInterval."

BM> Remove the part "must be greated than the HelloInterval parameter and"

   SYNTAX        TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "Denotes whether or not this control channel corresponds to
        an interface represented in the interfaces group table."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 3 }

BM> Why this additional object?. Why not require that there be a valid
BM> lmpCcUnderlyingIfIndex for CC's rowstatsus to go into "active" state
BM> and that in the absence of a valid underlying interface, the CC
BM> will be in the "notReady" state?
BM> In the TE LInk case, we require that an entry of type "TE Link" exist
BM> BEFORE the corresponding teLinkEntry is created... Why not do the same
BM> with CC?. After all, the CC is not usable until a real underlying
BM> interface is defined!


   SYNTAX        NodeID
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This is the Node ID of the control channel remote node.
        This value gets created by the node when a Config message
        is received or when an outgoing Config message is acknowledged
        by the remote node."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 4 }

BM> Should NOT be a read-only. Neighbor needs to be specified. Consider
BM> an out-of-band Control channel over a shared ethernet LAN interface-
BM> If neighbor is not specified, how will hello config be transmitted to
BM> a neighbor?
BM> Only in the in-band (and with point to point link) case can the neighbor
BM> IP address can be learnt!
   SYNTAX        Unsigned32
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "This value represents the remote control channel identifier. It is
        determined during the negotiation phase. A value
        of zero means that the remote control channel identifier has not
        yet been assigned."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 5 }

BM> Should read "A value of zero means that the remote CC ID has not yet been learnt"


lmpCcSetupRole OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { active(1), passive(2) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "The role that this node should take during establishment of this
        control channel. An active node will initiate establishment. A
        passive node will wait for the remote node to initiate. A pair
        of nodes that both take the passive role will never establish
   DEFVAL        { active }

Well, this is not consistent with the LMP draft, which defines automatic contention
resolution mechanism based on node ID. Besides, this is prone to human(operator)-error.

The LMP draft reads:
  "To avoid ambiguities, the node with the higher Node Id wins
   the contention; the node with the lower Node Id MUST stop
   transmitting the Config message and respond to the Config message it
lmpCcAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-create
   STATUS        current
       "The desired operational status of this control channel."
   ::= { lmpControlChannelEntry 17 }

BM> Should read "desired admin state"
BM> Why is the Admin Status of CC not tied to admin status of the
BM> underlying interface?

lmpTeLinkOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        INTEGER { up(1), down(2), testing(3), degraded(4) }
   MAX-ACCESS    read-only
   STATUS        current
       "The actual operational status of this TE link. The status
        is set to testing when the TE link is performing link
        verification. A degraded status indicates that the TE link
        cannot provide the provisioned protection level, but yet,
        there is no disruption of service. For instance, if the
        protection type is 1+1 and one link is down, the TE link
        still carries the requested amount of data traffic, but
        this traffic is not protected anymore."
   ::= { lmpTeLinkEntry 5 }

BM> This should reflect the Finite state machine states, defined in the LMP draft,
BM> for TE Links.
lmpDataBearingLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX        LmpDataBearingLinkEntry
   MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
   STATUS        current
       "An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry that represents
        a data-bearing link. An ifEntry with an ifIndex must exist
        before the corresponding lmpDataBearingLinkEntry is created.
        If an entry representing the data-bearing link is destroyed in
        the ifTable, then so is the corresponding entry in the
        lmpDataBearingLinkTable. The administrative status value is
        controlled from the ifEntry. The index to this table also
        used to get information in the dataBearingChannelTable
   INDEX         { ifIndex }

BM> Why is this not an "AUGMENT" to ifEntry?

BM> From an LMP perspective, the "member data links" of a TE Links need
BM> to be known.. I realize that this information is available from the
BM> bundling MIB.. It may be handy to add an object to the data bearing
BM> link table to store the TE Link ?
BM> Along the lines of TE Link and CC up/down traps, perhaps we should have
BM> a trap to notify user when a data bearing link is transitioned to "down"
BM> state due to link verification failure. Note that this information is not
BM> obtainable from link up/down trap of underlying interface