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Re: CCAMP WG action items

Shahram> Some comments regarding Bonica's GTTP draft:

Shahram> 1) It  relies on  IP layer  being present  and  IP management-plane
Shahram>    protocol  (ICMPs) for  the trace-probes,  and  trace-response to
Shahram>    trace LSPs (layer violation). 

It relies on IP?  Heavens.  Relying on IP is a layer violation?

Shahram> 2) It  is complicated. It requires many back  and forth messages up
Shahram>    and down  the protocol stack  (layer violation) and up  and down
Shahram>    the path to figure out the trace. 

Messages  up   and  down  the  path   is  the  tried   and  true  traceroute
paradigm. Don't now what "up and down the protocol stack" means.

Shahram> 3) In hierarchical LSP  case, not only the ingress  node of the LSP
Shahram>    under test must  run the GTTP, but all ingress  LSRs that are in
Shahram>    the middle  of the  LSP under test  and act as  tunneling points
Shahram>    MUST run GTTP => forklift upgrade required

I dare  say that  most nodes  have downloadable software,  and hence  can be
upgraded without the need to replace equipment.

The point that all the ingress LSRs must support the procedure is valid.

Shahram>  4) It   assumes   reachability  of   all   tunnel  ingresses   and
Shahram>     intermediate nodes by the  tracing entity. So, for example, all
Shahram>     intermediate nodes processing GTTP  have IP connectivity to the
Shahram>     tracing entity. 

Not exactly.  If there is no IP connectivity to a particular tunnel ingress,
you just can't trace through that tunnel.  Many providers do not want others
tracing through their tunnels.  One could still show that things are okay up
until the particular tunnel is reached.  

Shahram> 5) Does nothing to improve operational effectiveness for operators,
Shahram>    ie  no automatic fault  detection/handling....customer complaint
Shahram>    still has to roll-in. 

It is  true that this does  not provide automatic fault  detection.  I'm not
sure  that  that's  the  same   as  "does  nothing  to  improve  operational