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Re: FYI - Discussion of LDP resiliency in MPLS WG

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> From: Philip Matthews <pmatthews@hyperchip.com>
> To: "'ccamp@ops.ietf.org'" <ccamp@ops.ietf.org>
> Subject: FYI - Discussion of LDP resiliency in MPLS WG
> Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:21:07 -0500
> For those not subscribed to the MPLS WG list,
> I just posted a note on the status of the various proposals
> for LDP resiliency to the MPLS WG mailing list.
> People in CCAMP might also be interested in this work,
> because some of it also applies to CR-LDP, and because
> there are similar proposals for RSVP-TE, as well as
> for various routing protocols.
> I will ask that people interesting in contributing
> post their comments to the MPLS WG, and not to CCAMP,
> since the work is happening in the former.
> - Philip
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> <P><FONT SIZE=2>For those not subscribed to the MPLS WG list,</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>I just posted a note on the status of the various proposals</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>for LDP resiliency to the MPLS WG mailing list.</FONT>
> </P>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2>People in CCAMP might also be interested in this work,</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>because some of it also applies to CR-LDP, and because</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>there are similar proposals for RSVP-TE, as well as</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>for various routing protocols.</FONT>
> </P>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2>I will ask that people interesting in contributing</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>post their comments to the MPLS WG, and not to CCAMP,</FONT>
> <BR><FONT SIZE=2>since the work is happening in the former.</FONT>
> </P>
> <P><FONT SIZE=2>- Philip</FONT>
> </P>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>