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Re: no more milestones?

Hi Tom,

Yes, CCAMP is a little bit in limbo at the moment.

Since Minneapolis we have:
- completed our last milestone (submitted the GMPLS MIB I-Ds)
- advanced 8 I-Ds to the ADs after WG last call
- advanced 3 I-Ds to the MIB doctors after WG last call
- completed WG last call on 2 further I-Ds

This is pretty good progress. It leaves us with 7 active working group
drafts all of which are nearing completion.

There is a lot of work going on around the topic of GMPLS and we should
find a home for that work within the IETF. As evidenced by the discussions
on the mailing list this time last year, there is a lot of support for
placing that work in CCAMP. The preliminary charter discussions we had in
November last year indicated the priorities that the community placed on
this work, but I think some new topics have arisen in the mean time.

I would like to see:
- a refinement of the charter to focus the next work items
- a year's worth of milestones to ensure we stay focused.

On the other hand, we should aim to close down CCAMP and move the work to
other or new working groups.

Hopefully these are issues that can be resolved in the meeting in Paris.
I would very much like to hear people's opinions expressed on this list
before the meeting, and comments/guidance from the ADs would be helpful.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas D. Nadeau" <tnadeau@cisco.com>
To: <ccamp@ops.ietf.org>
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 1:50 AM
Subject: no more milestones?

>      Why the WG is stuck without any milestones
> and unable to take on more work?  Are there
> any plans to extend the charter?
>      --Tom