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Re: [idn] report of the straw poll

At 08:54 AM 5/25/2001, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
>The WG chair didn't seem to declare "rough consensus", unfortunately. The 
>poll showed one strongly-favored choice and a vast smattering of other 
>choices with none having even 10% of the support. Is

Bill Semich's concern that 'yes' got only 36 votes has some appeal, 
although the normal IETF view is that we only consider the concerns and 
desires of those who show up.  We cannot guess the desires of people who 
did not participate in the straw poll.

On the other hand, the 36 was less than 2/3 of the vote.  My personal 
approximation between "rough consensus" a percentage is not less than 2/3, 
because having 1/3 of a group disagree with a decision is simply too strong 
a constituency to have unhappy.

As to how to proceed, I wonder whether we should first resolve the question 
of urgency.  Although it is beyond my comprehension, a number of people 
seem to believe that there is little urgency.  Perhaps we should assess 
working group view of urgency.  If there is consensus about urgency THEN we 
can try to consider what solutions are amenable to quicker deployment.


Dave Crocker   <mailto:dcrocker@brandenburg.com>
Brandenburg InternetWorking   <http://www.brandenburg.com>
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