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Re: [idn] Future of the requirements document


Here is my position on the requirements document, FWIW:

 - I read the document very thoroughly when preparing the changes I
   suggested on 9 October, and I think that adopting those changes would
   fix all of the overspecifications and technical errors. No-one has
   objected to any of those changes, and none of them are particularly

 - as well as overspecifications, there are arguably some under-
   specifications in the document, but this is much less of a problem.
   I don't think it needs to be solved completely; just add a disclaimer
   that the requirements listed are necessary, but that there may be
   disagreement on their sufficiency.

 - there is value in publishing the document despite the previous point,
   as a historical record if nothing else. Its description of the
   relation between domain names and hostnames, and of the DNS
   architecture, is accurate and useful.

 - writing a new document to replace the requirements doc would take
   longer than fixing it. In fact, it could have been fixed a month ago
   if the authors had been more responsive.

> That is, again, subject to discussion.  But I'd hope that those
> who advocate keeping/ fixing the requirements doc explain why it
> is important enough to keep the WG in operation --and hold up the
> protocol documents-- for what I think would be many extra months.

The requirements doc isn't on the critical path for approving protocol
documents at all. If the authors don't feel they have time to fix it,
send me the nroff source and I'll make the changes.

- -- 
David Hopwood <david.hopwood@zetnet.co.uk>

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