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a bit more on 802.11 & cdma

Per my input yesterday - Sprint PCS has done some interoperability testing
for session handoff between an 802.11 lan and an is-95 cdma cell - the team
is assisting me in getting a set of requirements for this interoperation
that is suitable for the draft - will send in as soon as we get documented

Richard Robinson
Sprint PCS
15405 College Boulevard
Lenexa, Kansas 66219
913.890.4242 (fax 4100)

-----Original Message-----
From: Robinson, Richard [mailto:RRobin01@sprintspectrum.com] 
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 4:22 PM
To: James Kempf; more@ops.ietf.org; jgw@cisco.com; tjc@lacunanet.net
Subject: RE: Requirements

Jim, John, Tim and others,

Sprint PCS is particularly interested in the session mobility requirement
(excerpt below from Paul's draft) - i have a few folks looking at this in
more detail and should be able to get some comments by tomorrow.  There is
an opportunity for a macrocell carrier like Sprint PCS to hook up with
companies (e.g., airports, Starbucks) which provide 802.11 LAN access to
their customers who may wish to transfer sessions between our wireless
packet data network and theirs.

from the draft - " * as a session transfers from an IMT-IS-2000 RAN to an
802.11 LAN 
   via handoff from one access network to another, the wireless 
   Internet framework needs to support session continuity both within 
   the core and in interfaces to other networks. "

more to come . . .

Richard Robinson
Sprint PCS
15405 College Boulevard
Lenexa, Kansas 66219
913.890.4242 (fax 4100)