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Re: a bit more on 802.11 & cdma


Do you want to say something at the BOF?

>From: "Robinson, Richard" <RRobin01@sprintspectrum.com>
>To: more@ops.ietf.org
>Subject: a bit more on 802.11 & cdma
>Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:15:05 -0500
>Per my input yesterday - Sprint PCS has done some interoperability testing
>for session handoff between an 802.11 lan and an is-95 cdma cell - the team
>is assisting me in getting a set of requirements for this interoperation
>that is suitable for the draft - will send in as soon as we get documented
>Richard Robinson
>Sprint PCS
>15405 College Boulevard
>Lenexa, Kansas 66219
>913.890.4242 (fax 4100)
>MS - KSLNXZ0201
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robinson, Richard [mailto:RRobin01@sprintspectrum.com] 
>Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 4:22 PM
>To: James Kempf; more@ops.ietf.org; jgw@cisco.com; tjc@lacunanet.net
>Subject: RE: Requirements
>Jim, John, Tim and others,
>Sprint PCS is particularly interested in the session mobility requirement
>(excerpt below from Paul's draft) - i have a few folks looking at this in
>more detail and should be able to get some comments by tomorrow.  There is
>an opportunity for a macrocell carrier like Sprint PCS to hook up with
>companies (e.g., airports, Starbucks) which provide 802.11 LAN access to
>their customers who may wish to transfer sessions between our wireless
>packet data network and theirs.
>from the draft - " * as a session transfers from an IMT-IS-2000 RAN to an
>802.11 LAN 
>   via handoff from one access network to another, the wireless 
>   Internet framework needs to support session continuity both within 
>   the core and in interfaces to other networks. "
>more to come . . .
>Richard Robinson
>Sprint PCS
>15405 College Boulevard
>Lenexa, Kansas 66219
>913.890.4242 (fax 4100)
>MS - KSLNXZ0201