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RE: time to say "good enough"?

wfm. i.e. ship a rev 01.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: C. M. Heard [mailto:heard@pobox.com]
> Sent: maandag 17 februari 2003 23:34
> To: Mreview (E-mail)
> Subject: RE: time to say "good enough"?
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, David Harrington:
> > Could we submit this for "good-enough" status?
> > 
> > Could we redirect our scarce resources to something useful 
> to operators?
> I assume that this comment is directed at all of the ongoing MIB
> review guidelines doc discussion, and not just the recent chatter on
> the "Extensible TCs" thread.  And I've gathered from the generally
> low level of participation in the discussion that most of the folks
> here feel pretty much the same way.
> If that is indeed the case, then I would be happy to wrap up this
> phase of the work and submit an -01 draft.  If I were to do that,
> the table below shows how I would deal with current open issues.
> As far as I'm concerned the only really pressing issue is the 2nd
> one on the list ("Disposition of IANA-maintained MIB modules"), but
> I don't think we can actually settle that one here.  With that one
> exception, I think the document could be used "as is" (even with a
> few open issues) to get our "running code" experience.
> Regards,
> Mike
> Issue                     Section  Status                     
>       Disposition
> Importing items used in   4.4      Change from MAY to 
> RECOMMENDED   Leave the
> compliance statements &            proposed;  call for 
> consensus    current
> capabilities statements            issued;  no feedback 
> received.   text as is.
> Disposition of            4.5      Current text states that   
>       List as an
> IANA-maintained                    IANA-maintained MIB 
> modules      open issue
> MIB modules                        are to be removed prior to 
>       in the -01
>                                    publication.  Some folks   
>       draft.
>                                    advocate publishing the
>                                    initial version (cf. RFC 1573)
>                                    to provide a record;  others
>                                    argue that the IANA version is
>                                    normative and that IETF specs
>                                    should not have non-normative
>                                    text that duplicates something
>                                    in a referenced spec.  This
>                                    issue is still under discussion.
>                                    It will also be necessary to add
>                                    instructions for including an
>                                    IESG-mandated copyright notice
>                                    once the IESG has decided what
>                                    form that notice should take.
> Should the guidelines Change proposal for 4.8 
> posted   Accept the
> RECOMMEND that compliance          to list;  A. Bierman 
> objected on latest text
> statements include OBJECT          the grounds that it makes 
> the    proposed by
> clauses with SYNTAX that           compliance statements too 
> long,  the editor.
> includes all named                 and suggested that such OBJECT
> numbers or named bits              clauses be added only after a
> for enumerated INTEGER             revision makes them necessary
> or BITS objects with               (note that Section 4.9 already
> extensible enumerations?           recommends doing that when
>                                    it is needed).  B. Wijnen
>                                    suggested that the reco could
>                                    apply just to definitions that
>                                    use imported TCs.  Text was
>                                    proposed for Section
>                                    recommending specification of
>                                    supported values in such cases;
>                                    it is under discussion.
> Should DESCRIPTION        4.6.2    Text has been proposed;    
>       Accept the
> clause of read-write               "wfm" from B. Wijnen;      
>       proposed
> objects specify                    more feedback awaited.     
>       text.
> persistence of
> values across reboot?
> Should guidelines say     4.6.3    Text has been proposed;    
>       Accept the
> something about not                a comment from R. Presuhn  
>       text with
> using IMPLIED?                     has been incorporated;     
>       Randy's
>                                    additional feedback 
> awaited.     changes.
> Should it be explicitly   4.6.4    Text has been proposed;    
>       Accept the
> stated that objects                lukewarm OK from B. 
> Wijnen;      editor's
> SHOULD NOT be registered           more feedback awaited.     
>       proposed
> beneath groups, MCs, ACs?                                     
>       text.
> Should it be mandated     4.6.5    Editor has proposed 
> modified     Accept the
> that overall index size            text that is though to     
>       editor's
> limit be spelled out in            better represent the rough 
>       proposed
> tables where SIZE clauses          consensus from the APM-MIB 
>       text.
> do not enforce the 128             discussion;  feedback has
> sub-identifier limit?              been requested.
> Should a section be       4.6.6    B. Wijnen & M. Heard 
> supported   List as an
> added to cover                     the idea;  other opinions 
> have   open issue
> recommended naming                 been requested, but none 
> have    in the -01
> conventions?                       been publically expressed. 
>       draft.
> Does SMICng include    Appendix C  The include file in 
> Appendix C   List as an
> file need to be updated            was built for book version 
>       open issue
>                                    2.2.07                     
>       in the -01
>       draft.