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Re: MODULE-IDENTITY assignemnts

Hi -

> From: "Wijnen, Bert (Bert)" <bwijnen@lucent.com>
> To: "'C. M. Heard'" <heard@pobox.com>; "Mreview (E-mail)" <mreview@ops.ietf.org>
> Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 4:39 AM
> Subject: RE: MODULE-IDENTITY assignemnts
> Other opinions or preferences for one of the 3 suggestions
> by Mike? A "I don't care" is also useful to hear.
> > - list only the original document for which the registry
> >   entry was created
> >
> > - list only the latest version of the relevat spec
> >
> > - list the original document and all of its updates

I could live with any of the three.  The latter two seem to be
more effort and potentially more error-prone to maintain, so
I have a *slight* preference for the first.
