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Security Considerations for writeable objects (was: RE: Pls review documents on IESG Agenda for December 1, 200)5


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-mreview@ops.ietf.org 
> [mailto:owner-mreview@ops.ietf.org] On Behalf Of C. M. Heard
> >   o draft-ietf-isis-wg-mib-24.txt
> >     Management Information Base for IS-IS (Proposed 
> Standard) - 20 of 22 
> >     Token: Alex Zinin
> I did the MIB Doctor review for this doc and I am satisfied 
> with it.  I see come comments from a GenArt in the tracker.  
> I agree with those on Section 2 and disagree with those on 
> Section 7.  The reason I disagree is that complying with the 
> comment would require listing all writeable objects in the 
> MIB module, and it should be sufficient to say "all writeable 
> attributes have the potential to disrupt network operations 
> if improperly modified" as the doc now does.

I am a little surprised by this comment from Mike, and I think that I
would disagree. 

We are telling explicitly MIB writers at

-- if you have any read-write and/or read-create objects, please
-- describe their specific sensitivity or vulnerability.
-- RFC 2669 has a very good example.

I am opposed to replace this by another blanket generic text. Different
objects bear different threats in disrupting network operations if
improperly modified, and I believe that it is important for the MIB
documents to specifically and explicitly list those. 

