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RE: review for: draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-09.txt [was RE: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat ]
Hello again,
I generated an smidiff report (attached) to get a quick check on the
changes since RFC 1850. There are two that might be a cause for
concern: the base types of ospfExternLsaCksumSum and
ospfAreaLsaCksumSum have been changed from Integer32 to Unsigned32.
The reason that these changes concern me is that they will cause
over-the-wire changes in the GetResponse-PDUs returned by an agent
(more precisely, command responder).
It is possible that these changes could cause a manager that
implements the new version of the spec to fail to interoperate with
a deployed agant that implements the previous version of the spec,
and also could cause a manager that implements the previous version
of the spec to fail to interoperate with an agent that implements
the new spec to fail version of the spec.
Did the WG give adequate consideration to this point?
From: smilint@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 12:05 PM
To: Heard, Mike (CA36)
Subject: Re: smidiff -l 9 -i namelength-32 rfc1850-mib ospf-mib-update
This is an automatically generated mail message in response to a mail message
you (or someone else who used your address) sent to <smilint@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>.
If you want to learn more about this mail service, send a mail message with
the "Subject: help" to <smilint@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>.
The program smidiff 0.4.3, as of Fri Apr 07 09:10:01 2006
has been used to process your request as follows:
smidiff -m -s -l 9 -i namelength-32 rfc1850-mib ospf-mib-update
rfc1850-mib:33: revision for last update is missing
rfc1850-mib:1399: warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
rfc1850-mib:1736: warning: use Integer32 instead of INTEGER in SMIv2
rfc1850-mib:389: warning: index element `ospfAreaId' of row `ospfAreaEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:585: warning: index element `ospfStubAreaId' of row `ospfStubAreaEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:585: warning: index element `ospfStubTOS' of row `ospfStubAreaEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:690: warning: index element `ospfLsdbAreaId' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:690: warning: index element `ospfLsdbType' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:690: warning: index element `ospfLsdbLsid' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:690: warning: index element `ospfLsdbRouterId' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:863: warning: index element `ospfAreaRangeAreaId' of row `ospfAreaRangeEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:863: warning: index element `ospfAreaRangeNet' of row `ospfAreaRangeEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:975: warning: index element `ospfHostIpAddress' of row `ospfHostEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:975: warning: index element `ospfHostTOS' of row `ospfHostEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1088: warning: SEQUENCE element #16 `ospfIfAuthType' does not match order of columnar objects under `ospfIfEntry'
rfc1850-mib:1140: index element `ospfAddressLessIf' of row `ospfIfEntry' must have a range restriction
rfc1850-mib:1078: warning: index element `ospfIfIpAddress' of row `ospfIfEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1078: warning: index element `ospfAddressLessIf' of row `ospfIfEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1499: index element `ospfIfMetricAddressLessIf' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' must have a range restriction
rfc1850-mib:1460: warning: index element `ospfIfMetricIpAddress' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1460: warning: index element `ospfIfMetricAddressLessIf' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1460: warning: index element `ospfIfMetricTOS' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1574: warning: SEQUENCE element #9 `ospfVirtIfAuthType' does not match order of columnar objects under `ospfVirtIfEntry'
rfc1850-mib:1565: warning: index element `ospfVirtIfAreaId' of row `ospfVirtIfEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1565: warning: index element `ospfVirtIfNeighbor' of row `ospfVirtIfEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1820: index element `ospfNbrAddressLessIndex' of row `ospfNbrEntry' must have a range restriction
rfc1850-mib:1770: warning: index element `ospfNbrIpAddr' of row `ospfNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1770: warning: index element `ospfNbrAddressLessIndex' of row `ospfNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1988: warning: index element `ospfVirtNbrArea' of row `ospfVirtNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:1988: warning: index element `ospfVirtNbrRtrId' of row `ospfVirtNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:2135: warning: index element `ospfExtLsdbType' of row `ospfExtLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:2135: warning: index element `ospfExtLsdbLsid' of row `ospfExtLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:2135: warning: index element `ospfExtLsdbRouterId' of row `ospfExtLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:2338: warning: index element `ospfAreaAggregateAreaID' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:2338: warning: index element `ospfAreaAggregateLsdbType' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:2338: warning: index element `ospfAreaAggregateNet' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:2338: warning: index element `ospfAreaAggregateMask' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
rfc1850-mib:436: warning: node `ospfAuthType' must be contained in at least one conformance group
rfc1850-mib:2543: warning: current group `ospfLsdbGroup' is not referenced in this module
rfc1850-mib:2576: warning: current group `ospfHostGroup' is not referenced in this module
rfc1850-mib:2691: warning: current group `ospfExtLsdbGroup' is not referenced in this module
rfc1850-mib:58: warning: type `Metric' has no format specification
rfc1850-mib:64: warning: type `BigMetric' has no format specification
rfc1850-mib:82: warning: type `PositiveInteger' has no format specification
rfc1850-mib:89: warning: type `HelloRange' has no format specification
rfc1850-mib:95: warning: type `UpToMaxAge' has no format specification
rfc1850-mib:105: warning: type `InterfaceIndex' has no format specification
rfc1850-mib:114: warning: type `DesignatedRouterPriority' has no format specification
rfc1850-mib:121: warning: type `TOSType' has no format specification
rfc1850-mib:10: warning: identifier `mib-2' should be imported from `SNMPv2-SMI' instead of `RFC1213-MIB'
ospf-mib-update:672: warning: index element `ospfAreaId' of row `ospfAreaEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:926: warning: index element `ospfStubAreaId' of row `ospfStubAreaEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:926: warning: index element `ospfStubTOS' of row `ospfStubAreaEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1031: warning: index element `ospfLsdbAreaId' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1031: warning: index element `ospfLsdbType' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1031: warning: index element `ospfLsdbLsid' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1031: warning: index element `ospfLsdbRouterId' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1207: warning: index element `ospfAreaRangeAreaId' of row `ospfAreaRangeEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1207: warning: index element `ospfAreaRangeNet' of row `ospfAreaRangeEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1315: warning: index element `ospfHostIpAddress' of row `ospfHostEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1315: warning: index element `ospfHostTOS' of row `ospfHostEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1426: warning: index element `ospfIfIpAddress' of row `ospfIfEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1426: warning: index element `ospfAddressLessIf' of row `ospfIfEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1862: warning: index element `ospfIfMetricIpAddress' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1862: warning: index element `ospfIfMetricAddressLessIf' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1862: warning: index element `ospfIfMetricTOS' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1966: warning: index element `ospfVirtIfAreaId' of row `ospfVirtIfEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:1966: warning: index element `ospfVirtIfNeighbor' of row `ospfVirtIfEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2207: warning: index element `ospfNbrIpAddr' of row `ospfNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2207: warning: index element `ospfNbrAddressLessIndex' of row `ospfNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2466: warning: index element `ospfVirtNbrArea' of row `ospfVirtNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2466: warning: index element `ospfVirtNbrRtrId' of row `ospfVirtNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2658: warning: index element `ospfExtLsdbType' of row `ospfExtLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2658: warning: index element `ospfExtLsdbLsid' of row `ospfExtLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2658: warning: index element `ospfExtLsdbRouterId' of row `ospfExtLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2861: warning: index element `ospfAreaAggregateAreaID' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2861: warning: index element `ospfAreaAggregateLsdbType' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2861: warning: index element `ospfAreaAggregateNet' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:2861: warning: index element `ospfAreaAggregateMask' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
ospf-mib-update:15 [5] {contact-changed} warning: contact of `OSPF-MIB' changed
ospf-mib-update:15 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of module identity definition `OSPF-MIB' changed
ospf-mib-update:56 [5] {revision-added} warning: revision `2006-01-13 09:00' added
rfc1850-mib:15 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `OSPF-MIB'
ospf-mib-update:86 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of textual convention definition `AreaID' changed
rfc1850-mib:39 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `AreaID'
ospf-mib-update:95 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of textual convention definition `RouterID' changed
rfc1850-mib:49 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `RouterID'
ospf-mib-update:104 [5] {format-added} warning: format added to `Metric'
ospf-mib-update:104 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of textual convention definition `Metric' changed
rfc1850-mib:58 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `Metric'
ospf-mib-update:113 [5] {format-added} warning: format added to `BigMetric'
ospf-mib-update:120 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of textual convention definition `Status' changed
rfc1850-mib:72 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `Status'
ospf-mib-update:130 [5] {format-added} warning: format added to `PositiveInteger'
ospf-mib-update:138 [5] {format-added} warning: format added to `HelloRange'
ospf-mib-update:138 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of textual convention definition `HelloRange' changed
rfc1850-mib:89 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `HelloRange'
ospf-mib-update:146 [5] {format-added} warning: format added to `UpToMaxAge'
ospf-mib-update:146 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of textual convention definition `UpToMaxAge' changed
rfc1850-mib:95 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `UpToMaxAge'
rfc1850-mib:105 [1] {type-removed} type `InterfaceIndex' has been deleted
ospf-mib-update:154 [5] {format-added} warning: format added to `DesignatedRouterPriority'
ospf-mib-update:154 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of textual convention definition `DesignatedRouterPriority' changed
rfc1850-mib:114 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `DesignatedRouterPriority'
ospf-mib-update:162 [5] {format-added} warning: format added to `TOSType'
ospf-mib-update:191 [5] {type-added} warning: type `OspfAuthenticationType' has been added
ospf-mib-update:210 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfRouterId' changed
rfc1850-mib:158 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfRouterId'
ospf-mib-update:227 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAdminStat' changed
rfc1850-mib:174 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAdminStat'
ospf-mib-update:242 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVersionNumber' changed
rfc1850-mib:186 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVersionNumber'
ospf-mib-update:264 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfASBdrRtrStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:211 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfASBdrRtrStatus'
ospf-mib-update:291 [1] {basetype-changed} base type of `ospfExternLsaCksumSum' changed
rfc1850-mib:236 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExternLsaCksumSum'
ospf-mib-update:291 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfExternLsaCksumSum' changed
rfc1850-mib:236 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExternLsaCksumSum'
ospf-mib-update:305 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfTOSSupport' changed
rfc1850-mib:251 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfTOSSupport'
ospf-mib-update:320 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfOriginateNewLsas' changed
rfc1850-mib:263 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfOriginateNewLsas'
ospf-mib-update:336 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfRxNewLsas' changed
rfc1850-mib:275 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfRxNewLsas'
ospf-mib-update:353 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfExtLsdbLimit' changed
rfc1850-mib:287 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbLimit'
ospf-mib-update:379 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfMulticastExtensions' changed
rfc1850-mib:309 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfMulticastExtensions'
ospf-mib-update:418 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfExitOverflowInterval' changed
rfc1850-mib:343 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExitOverflowInterval'
ospf-mib-update:436 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfDemandExtensions' changed
ospf-mib-update:436 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfDemandExtensions' changed
rfc1850-mib:358 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfDemandExtensions'
ospf-mib-update:658 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaTable' changed
ospf-mib-update:658 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfAreaTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:375 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaTable'
ospf-mib-update:672 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:389 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaEntry'
ospf-mib-update:732 [1] {basetype-changed} base type of `ospfAuthType' changed
rfc1850-mib:436 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAuthType'
ospf-mib-update:732 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAuthType' changed
ospf-mib-update:732 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfAuthType' changed
rfc1850-mib:436 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAuthType'
ospf-mib-update:743 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfImportAsExtern' changed
rfc1850-mib:453 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfImportAsExtern'
ospf-mib-update:761 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfSpfRuns' changed
rfc1850-mib:470 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfSpfRuns'
ospf-mib-update:776 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaBdrRtrCount' changed
rfc1850-mib:482 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaBdrRtrCount'
ospf-mib-update:807 [1] {basetype-changed} base type of `ospfAreaLsaCksumSum' changed
rfc1850-mib:515 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaLsaCksumSum'
ospf-mib-update:807 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaLsaCksumSum' changed
rfc1850-mib:515 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaLsaCksumSum'
ospf-mib-update:823 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaSummary' changed
rfc1850-mib:531 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaSummary'
ospf-mib-update:844 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:554 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaStatus'
ospf-mib-update:926 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfStubAreaEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:585 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfStubAreaEntry'
ospf-mib-update:957 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfStubAreaId' changed
rfc1850-mib:612 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfStubAreaId'
ospf-mib-update:977 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfStubMetric' changed
rfc1850-mib:634 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfStubMetric'
ospf-mib-update:988 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfStubStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:646 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfStubStatus'
ospf-mib-update:1002 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfStubMetricType' changed
rfc1850-mib:657 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfStubMetricType'
ospf-mib-update:1019 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfLsdbTable' changed
ospf-mib-update:1019 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfLsdbTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:678 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfLsdbTable'
ospf-mib-update:1072 [5] {named-number-added} warning: named number `areaOpaqueLink' added to type used in `ospfLsdbType'
ospf-mib-update:1072 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfLsdbType' changed
rfc1850-mib:734 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfLsdbType'
ospf-mib-update:1122 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfLsdbSequence' changed
rfc1850-mib:783 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfLsdbSequence'
ospf-mib-update:1140 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfLsdbAge'
ospf-mib-update:1140 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfLsdbAge' changed
rfc1850-mib:800 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfLsdbAge'
ospf-mib-update:1153 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfLsdbChecksum' changed
rfc1850-mib:811 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfLsdbChecksum'
ospf-mib-update:1168 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfLsdbAdvertisement' changed
ospf-mib-update:1168 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfLsdbAdvertisement' changed
rfc1850-mib:829 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfLsdbAdvertisement'
ospf-mib-update:1185 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaRangeTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:850 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaRangeTable'
ospf-mib-update:1207 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaRangeEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:863 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaRangeEntry'
ospf-mib-update:1269 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaRangeStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:927 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaRangeStatus'
ospf-mib-update:1283 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaRangeEffect' changed
rfc1850-mib:939 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaRangeEffect'
ospf-mib-update:1301 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfHostTable' changed
ospf-mib-update:1301 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfHostTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:962 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfHostTable'
ospf-mib-update:1315 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfHostEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:975 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfHostEntry'
ospf-mib-update:1345 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfHostIpAddress' changed
rfc1850-mib:999 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfHostIpAddress'
ospf-mib-update:1355 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfHostTOS' changed
ospf-mib-update:1355 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfHostTOS' changed
rfc1850-mib:1011 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfHostTOS'
ospf-mib-update:1365 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfHostMetric' changed
rfc1850-mib:1024 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfHostMetric'
ospf-mib-update:1375 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfHostStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:1035 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfHostStatus'
ospf-mib-update:1389 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfHostAreaID' changed
ospf-mib-update:1389 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfHostAreaID' changed
rfc1850-mib:1047 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfHostAreaID'
ospf-mib-update:1413 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:1065 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfTable'
ospf-mib-update:1426 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:1078 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfEntry'
ospf-mib-update:1500 [3] {range-added} range `(0..2147483647)' added to type used in `ospfAddressLessIf'
ospf-mib-update:1523 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfType' changed
rfc1850-mib:1162 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfType'
ospf-mib-update:1543 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfAdminStat' changed
rfc1850-mib:1184 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfAdminStat'
ospf-mib-update:1556 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfRtrPriority' changed
rfc1850-mib:1197 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfRtrPriority'
ospf-mib-update:1571 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfIfTransitDelay'
ospf-mib-update:1571 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfTransitDelay' changed
rfc1850-mib:1214 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfTransitDelay'
ospf-mib-update:1584 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfIfRetransInterval'
ospf-mib-update:1584 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfRetransInterval' changed
rfc1850-mib:1226 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfRetransInterval'
ospf-mib-update:1598 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfIfHelloInterval'
ospf-mib-update:1598 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfHelloInterval' changed
rfc1850-mib:1240 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfHelloInterval'
ospf-mib-update:1610 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfIfRtrDeadInterval'
ospf-mib-update:1610 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfRtrDeadInterval' changed
rfc1850-mib:1253 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfRtrDeadInterval'
ospf-mib-update:1624 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfIfPollInterval'
ospf-mib-update:1672 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfEvents' changed
rfc1850-mib:1318 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfEvents'
ospf-mib-update:1685 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfAuthKey' changed
rfc1850-mib:1328 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfAuthKey'
ospf-mib-update:1718 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:1353 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfStatus'
ospf-mib-update:1732 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfMulticastForwarding' changed
rfc1850-mib:1365 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfMulticastForwarding'
ospf-mib-update:1751 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfDemand' changed
rfc1850-mib:1385 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfDemand'
ospf-mib-update:1763 [5] {from-implicit} warning: type `OspfAuthenticationType' replaces implicit type for `ospfIfAuthType'
rfc1850-mib:1398 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfAuthType'
ospf-mib-update:1763 [1] {basetype-changed} base type of `ospfIfAuthType' changed
rfc1850-mib:1398 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfAuthType'
ospf-mib-update:1763 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfAuthType' changed
ospf-mib-update:1763 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfIfAuthType' changed
rfc1850-mib:1398 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfAuthType'
ospf-mib-update:1818 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfMetricTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:1448 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfMetricTable'
ospf-mib-update:1862 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfMetricEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:1460 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfMetricEntry'
ospf-mib-update:1895 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfMetricIpAddress' changed
rfc1850-mib:1489 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfMetricIpAddress'
ospf-mib-update:1904 [3] {range-added} range `(0..2147483647)' added to type used in `ospfIfMetricAddressLessIf'
ospf-mib-update:1904 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfMetricAddressLessIf' changed
rfc1850-mib:1499 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfMetricAddressLessIf'
ospf-mib-update:1937 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfIfMetricStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:1534 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfMetricStatus'
ospf-mib-update:1954 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:1552 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfTable'
ospf-mib-update:1966 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:1565 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfEntry'
ospf-mib-update:2026 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfVirtIfTransitDelay'
ospf-mib-update:2026 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfTransitDelay' changed
rfc1850-mib:1619 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfTransitDelay'
ospf-mib-update:2039 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfVirtIfRetransInterval'
ospf-mib-update:2039 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfRetransInterval' changed
rfc1850-mib:1631 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfRetransInterval'
ospf-mib-update:2056 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfVirtIfHelloInterval'
ospf-mib-update:2056 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfHelloInterval' changed
rfc1850-mib:1647 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfHelloInterval'
ospf-mib-update:2069 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfVirtIfRtrDeadInterval'
ospf-mib-update:2069 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfRtrDeadInterval' changed
rfc1850-mib:1660 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfRtrDeadInterval'
ospf-mib-update:2095 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfEvents' changed
rfc1850-mib:1688 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfEvents'
ospf-mib-update:2108 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfAuthKey' changed
rfc1850-mib:1698 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfAuthKey'
ospf-mib-update:2141 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:1723 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfStatus'
ospf-mib-update:2155 [5] {from-implicit} warning: type `OspfAuthenticationType' replaces implicit type for `ospfVirtIfAuthType'
rfc1850-mib:1735 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfAuthType'
ospf-mib-update:2155 [1] {basetype-changed} base type of `ospfVirtIfAuthType' changed
rfc1850-mib:1735 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfAuthType'
ospf-mib-update:2155 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtIfAuthType' changed
rfc1850-mib:1735 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfAuthType'
ospf-mib-update:2195 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbrTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:1758 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrTable'
ospf-mib-update:2207 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbrEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:1770 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrEntry'
ospf-mib-update:2255 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbrIpAddr' changed
rfc1850-mib:1808 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrIpAddr'
ospf-mib-update:2266 [3] {range-added} range `(0..2147483647)' added to type used in `ospfNbrAddressLessIndex'
ospf-mib-update:2278 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbrRtrId' changed
rfc1850-mib:1833 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrRtrId'
ospf-mib-update:2289 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbrOptions' changed
rfc1850-mib:1845 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrOptions'
ospf-mib-update:2321 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbrPriority' changed
rfc1850-mib:1878 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrPriority'
ospf-mib-update:2333 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbrState' changed
rfc1850-mib:1892 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrState'
ospf-mib-update:2353 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbrEvents' changed
rfc1850-mib:1914 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrEvents'
ospf-mib-update:2375 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbmaNbrStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:1934 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbmaNbrStatus'
ospf-mib-update:2389 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbmaNbrPermanence' changed
rfc1850-mib:1946 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbmaNbrPermanence'
ospf-mib-update:2403 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfNbrHelloSuppressed' changed
rfc1850-mib:1961 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrHelloSuppressed'
ospf-mib-update:2454 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtNbrTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:1977 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtNbrTable'
ospf-mib-update:2466 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtNbrEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:1988 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtNbrEntry'
ospf-mib-update:2522 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtNbrIpAddr' changed
rfc1850-mib:2036 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtNbrIpAddr'
ospf-mib-update:2530 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtNbrOptions' changed
rfc1850-mib:2046 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtNbrOptions'
ospf-mib-update:2548 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtNbrState' changed
rfc1850-mib:2063 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtNbrState'
ospf-mib-update:2565 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfVirtNbrEvents' changed
rfc1850-mib:2082 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtNbrEvents'
ospf-mib-update:2639 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbTable'
ospf-mib-update:2639 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfExtLsdbTable' changed
ospf-mib-update:2639 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfExtLsdbTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:2123 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbTable'
ospf-mib-update:2658 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbEntry'
rfc1850-mib:2135 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbEntry'
ospf-mib-update:2685 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbType'
ospf-mib-update:2685 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfExtLsdbType' changed
rfc1850-mib:2162 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbType'
ospf-mib-update:2700 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbLsid'
rfc1850-mib:2178 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbLsid'
ospf-mib-update:2713 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbRouterId'
rfc1850-mib:2192 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbRouterId'
ospf-mib-update:2724 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbSequence'
ospf-mib-update:2724 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfExtLsdbSequence' changed
rfc1850-mib:2207 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbSequence'
ospf-mib-update:2742 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbAge'
ospf-mib-update:2742 [5] {units-added} warning: units added to `ospfExtLsdbAge'
ospf-mib-update:2742 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfExtLsdbAge' changed
rfc1850-mib:2224 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbAge'
ospf-mib-update:2755 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbChecksum'
ospf-mib-update:2755 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfExtLsdbChecksum' changed
rfc1850-mib:2236 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbChecksum'
ospf-mib-update:2772 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbAdvertisement'
ospf-mib-update:2772 [5] {ref-changed} warning: reference of `ospfExtLsdbAdvertisement' changed
rfc1850-mib:2254 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbAdvertisement'
ospf-mib-update:2836 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaAggregateTable' changed
rfc1850-mib:2319 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaAggregateTable'
ospf-mib-update:2861 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' changed
rfc1850-mib:2338 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaAggregateEntry'
ospf-mib-update:2906 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaAggregateLsdbType' changed
rfc1850-mib:2387 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaAggregateLsdbType'
ospf-mib-update:2944 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaAggregateStatus' changed
rfc1850-mib:2428 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaAggregateStatus'
ospf-mib-update:2958 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object definition `ospfAreaAggregateEffect' changed
rfc1850-mib:2440 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaAggregateEffect'
ospf-mib-update:450 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfRFC1583Compatibility' has been added
ospf-mib-update:471 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfOpaqueLsaSupport' has been added
ospf-mib-update:485 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfReferenceBandwidth' has been added
ospf-mib-update:500 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfRestartSupport' has been added
ospf-mib-update:517 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfRestartInterval' has been added
ospf-mib-update:530 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfRestartStrictLsaChecking' has been added
ospf-mib-update:544 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfRestartStatus' has been added
ospf-mib-update:555 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfRestartAge' has been added
ospf-mib-update:565 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfRestartExitReason' has been added
ospf-mib-update:584 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfAsLsaCount' has been added
ospf-mib-update:593 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfAsLsaCksumSum' has been added
ospf-mib-update:606 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfStubRouterSupport' has been added
ospf-mib-update:620 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfStubRouterAdvertisement' has been added
ospf-mib-update:638 [5] {node-added} warning: scalar `ospfDiscontinuityTime' has been added
ospf-mib-update:858 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAreaNssaTranslatorRole' has been added
ospf-mib-update:869 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAreaNssaTranslatorState' has been added
ospf-mib-update:887 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAreaNssaTranslatorStabilityInterval' has been added
ospf-mib-update:899 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAreaNssaTranslatorEvents' has been added
ospf-mib-update:1399 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfHostCfgAreaID' has been added
ospf-mib-update:1777 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfIfLsaCount' has been added
ospf-mib-update:1786 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfIfLsaCksumSum' has been added
ospf-mib-update:1800 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfIfDesignatedRouterId' has been added
ospf-mib-update:1808 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfIfBackupDesignatedRouterId' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2169 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtIfLsaCount' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2178 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtIfLsaCksumSum' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2412 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfNbrRestartHelperStatus' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2423 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfNbrRestartHelperAge' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2434 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfNbrRestartHelperExitReason' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2596 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtNbrRestartHelperStatus' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2607 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtNbrRestartHelperAge' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2618 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtNbrRestartHelperExitReason' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2973 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAreaAggregateExtRouteTag' has been added
ospf-mib-update:2986 [5] {node-added} warning: table `ospfLocalLsdbTable' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3005 [5] {node-added} warning: row `ospfLocalLsdbEntry' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3038 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfLocalLsdbIpAddress' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3050 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfLocalLsdbAddressLessIf' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3062 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfLocalLsdbType' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3075 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfLocalLsdbLsid' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3088 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfLocalLsdbRouterId' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3099 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfLocalLsdbSequence' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3117 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfLocalLsdbAge' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3130 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfLocalLsdbChecksum' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3147 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfLocalLsdbAdvertisement' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3165 [5] {node-added} warning: table `ospfVirtLocalLsdbTable' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3184 [5] {node-added} warning: row `ospfVirtLocalLsdbEntry' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3220 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtLocalLsdbTransitArea' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3231 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtLocalLsdbNeighbor' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3241 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtLocalLsdbType' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3254 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtLocalLsdbLsid' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3267 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtLocalLsdbRouterId' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3278 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtLocalLsdbSequence' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3296 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtLocalLsdbAge' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3309 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtLocalLsdbChecksum' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3326 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfVirtLocalLsdbAdvertisement' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3343 [5] {node-added} warning: table `ospfAsLsdbTable' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3363 [5] {node-added} warning: row `ospfAsLsdbEntry' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3390 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAsLsdbType' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3406 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAsLsdbLsid' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3419 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAsLsdbRouterId' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3430 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAsLsdbSequence' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3448 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAsLsdbAge' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3461 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAsLsdbChecksum' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3478 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAsLsdbAdvertisement' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3496 [5] {node-added} warning: table `ospfAreaLsaCountTable' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3504 [5] {node-added} warning: row `ospfAreaLsaCountEntry' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3524 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAreaLsaCountAreaId' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3532 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAreaLsaCountLsaType' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3548 [5] {node-added} warning: column `ospfAreaLsaCountNumber' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3657 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfBasicGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3657 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfBasicGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2486 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfBasicGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3681 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfAreaGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3681 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfAreaGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2509 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3699 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfStubAreaGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2528 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfStubAreaGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3713 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfLsdbGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2543 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfLsdbGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3730 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfAreaRangeGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2561 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaRangeGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3745 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfHostGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3745 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfHostGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2576 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfHostGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3759 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfIfGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3759 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfIfGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2591 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3788 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfIfMetricGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2620 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfIfMetricGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3802 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfVirtIfGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3802 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfVirtIfGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2634 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtIfGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3823 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfNbrGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3823 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfNbrGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2654 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfNbrGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3843 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfVirtNbrGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3843 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfVirtNbrGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2674 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfVirtNbrGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3860 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfExtLsdbGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3860 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfExtLsdbGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2691 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfExtLsdbGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3881 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfAreaAggregateGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3881 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of object group definition `ospfAreaAggregateGroup' changed
rfc1850-mib:2708 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfAreaAggregateGroup'
ospf-mib-update:3896 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfLocalLsdbGroup' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3910 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfVirtLocalLsdbGroup' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3924 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfAsLsdbGroup' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3937 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfBasicGroup2' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3974 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfAreaGroup2' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3996 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfIfGroup2' has been added
ospf-mib-update:4026 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfVirtIfGroup2' has been added
ospf-mib-update:4050 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfNbrGroup2' has been added
ospf-mib-update:4073 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfVirtNbrGroup2' has been added
ospf-mib-update:4093 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfAreaAggregateGroup2' has been added
ospf-mib-update:4109 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfAreaLsaCountGroup' has been added
ospf-mib-update:4119 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfHostGroup2' has been added
ospf-mib-update:4137 [5] {node-added} warning: group `ospfObsoleteGroup' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3565 [5] {status-change} warning: legal status change from `current' to `deprecated' for `ospfCompliance'
ospf-mib-update:3565 [5] {description-changed} warning: description of module compliance definition `ospfCompliance' changed
rfc1850-mib:2465 [6] {previous-definition} info: previous definition of `ospfCompliance'
ospf-mib-update:3582 [2] {option-added} optional group `ospfHostGroup' added to `ospfCompliance'
ospf-mib-update:3586 [2] {option-added} optional group `ospfLsdbGroup' added to `ospfCompliance'
ospf-mib-update:3590 [2] {option-added} optional group `ospfExtLsdbGroup' added to `ospfCompliance'
ospf-mib-update:3596 [5] {node-added} warning: compliance `ospfCompliance2' has been added
ospf-mib-update:3639 [5] {node-added} warning: compliance `ospfComplianceObsolete' has been added