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RE: review for: draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-09.txt [wasRE: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat ]

smilint complains of the following:

This is an automatically generated mail message in response to a mail
message you (or someone else who used your address) sent to
If you want to learn more about this mail service, send a mail message
with the "Subject: help" to <smilint@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>.

The program smilint 0.4.3, as of Fri Apr 07 09:10:01 2006 has been used
to process your request as follows:

smilint -m -s -e -l 6 OSPF-MIB OSPF-TRAP-MIB

OSPF-MIB:667: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfAreaId' of row `ospfAreaEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2
OSPF-MIB:921: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfStubAreaId' of row `ospfStubAreaEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:921: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfStubTOS' of row `ospfStubAreaEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:1026: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfLsdbAreaId' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:1026: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfLsdbType' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2
OSPF-MIB:1026: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfLsdbLsid' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2
OSPF-MIB:1026: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfLsdbRouterId' of row `ospfLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:1200: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfAreaRangeAreaId' of row `ospfAreaRangeEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:1200: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfAreaRangeNet' of row `ospfAreaRangeEntry' should be not-accessible
in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:1308: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfHostIpAddress' of row `ospfHostEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:1308: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfHostTOS' of row `ospfHostEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2
OSPF-MIB:1418: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfIfIpAddress' of row `ospfIfEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2
OSPF-MIB:1418: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfAddressLessIf' of row `ospfIfEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:1852: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfIfMetricIpAddress' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:1852: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfIfMetricAddressLessIf' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:1852: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfIfMetricTOS' of row `ospfIfMetricEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:1956: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfVirtIfAreaId' of row `ospfVirtIfEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:1956: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfVirtIfNeighbor' of row `ospfVirtIfEntry' should be not-accessible
in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:2197: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfNbrIpAddr' of row `ospfNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in SMIv2
OSPF-MIB:2197: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfNbrAddressLessIndex' of row `ospfNbrEntry' should be not-accessible
in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:2455: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfVirtNbrArea' of row `ospfVirtNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:2455: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfVirtNbrRtrId' of row `ospfVirtNbrEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:2647: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfExtLsdbType' of row `ospfExtLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:2647: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfExtLsdbLsid' of row `ospfExtLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible in
OSPF-MIB:2647: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfExtLsdbRouterId' of row `ospfExtLsdbEntry' should be not-accessible
in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:2850: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfAreaAggregateAreaID' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:2850: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfAreaAggregateLsdbType' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:2850: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfAreaAggregateNet' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-MIB:2850: [5] {index-element-accessible} warning: index element
`ospfAreaAggregateMask' of row `ospfAreaAggregateEntry' should be
not-accessible in SMIv2 MIB
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:21: [4] {module-identity-registration} warning:
uncontrolled MODULE-IDENTITY registration
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:161: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfVirtIfStateChange' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:178: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfNbrStateChange' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:201: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfVirtNbrStateChange' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:217: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfIfConfigError' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:236: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfVirtIfConfigError' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:254: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfIfAuthFailure' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:273: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfVirtIfAuthFailure' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:290: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfIfRxBadPacket' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:304: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfVirtIfRxBadPacket' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:317: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfTxRetransmit' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:337: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfVirtIfTxRetransmit' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:356: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfOriginateLsa' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:376: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfMaxAgeLsa' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:390: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfLsdbOverflow' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:401: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfLsdbApproachingOverflow' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:413: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfIfStateChange' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:430: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfNssaTranslatorStatusChange' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:445: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfRestartStatusChange' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:460: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfNbrRestartHelperStatusChange' is not reverse mappable
OSPF-TRAP-MIB:478: [5] {notification-not-reversible} warning:
notification `ospfVirtNbrRestartHelperStatusChange' is not reverse

Additional descriptions of some error/warning messages:

Warning:     module-identity-registration (level 4)
Message:     uncontrolled MODULE-IDENTITY registration
Description: The identities of IETF MIB modules should be registered
             mib-2, transmission, or snmpModules so that the
             space can be controlled by IANA.

Is this a result of the backwards compatibility with the original
version of the MIB?. That's fine, but should not a note be included
acknowledging this, so that people who compile in the future understand
what is the problem, and do not start asking questions? 

Same, I would include a note about the very 'traps-centric' language
used in OSPF-TRAP-MIB which I guess also has some kind of historic



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wijnen, Bert (Bert) [mailto:bwijnen@lucent.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 4:17 PM
> To: Romascanu, Dan (Dan); Bill Fenner (E-mail)
> Cc: Mreview (E-mail)
> Subject: review for: draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-09.txt 
> [wasRE: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for April 13, 2006 Telechat ]
> Dan, I reviewed this one back in November as MIB Doctor.
> My comments have been addressed and/or answered.
> So basically I am basically happy with this one.
> But I see:
>    E: f(ospftrap.mi2), (518,22) Group "ospfTrapControlGroup" is 
>    both a MANDATORY and conditional group for module "OSPF-TRAP-MIB"
> I think it is OK, because of the 2 module compliance statements.
> A few nits remain (RFC-Editor can fix):
> !! Missing Reference for citation: [24]
>   P086 L046:     explained in RFC 1224 [24]. The basic 
> premise of the throttling
> !! Missing citation for Informative reference:
>   P101 L011:      [RFC1765] Moy, J., "OSPF Database 
> Overflow", RFC 1765, March 1995.
> !! Missing citation for Informative reference:
>   P101 L013:      [RFC1793] Moy, J., "Extending OSPF to 
> Support Demand Circuits",
> !! Missing citation for Informative reference:
>   P101 L019:      [RFC2328] Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", RFC 
> 2328, April 1998.
> !! Missing citation for Informative reference:
>   P101 L021:      [RFC2370] Coltun, R., "The OSPF Opaque LSA 
> Option", RFC 2370,
> !! Missing citation for Normative reference:
>   P100 L055:      [RFC2863] McCloghrie, K., Kastenholtz, F.,
> !! Missing citation for Informative reference:
>   P101 L024:      [RFC3101] Murphy, P., "The OSPF 
> Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option",
> Bert
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-mreview@ops.ietf.org 
> [mailto:owner-mreview@ops.ietf.org]On
> > Behalf Of Romascanu, Dan (Dan)
> > Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 10:07
> > To: Mreview (E-mail)
> > Subject: FW: PRELIMINARY Agenda and Package for April 13,
> > 2006 Telechat
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > Below is the preliminary agenda for the April 13, 2006 IESG 
> telechat.
> > Please review the documents that are of interest for you and our 
> > group, and let me know any comments and issues until 
> Wednesday April 
> > 12, COB the latest.
> > 
> > Thanks and Regards,
> > 
> > Dan