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Re: The state of IPv6 multihoming development

|     >> First, you can use multiple connectivity-based addresses. .. Second,
|     >> you can re-use a mobility mechanism. Third, you could  use a radical
|     >> addressing architecture that assigns addresses automatically, based
|     >> on actual connectivity topology.
|     >> I don't know of any others. Do you?
|     > Given those three and those three only 
| Hey, I did ask if you know of any others. I'd be very interested

Well, you could automatically adjust the topology to match a 
relatively static layout of addresses (so we would call this
address-based connectivity).

Although I imagine this would be done at a layer below that of IP,
I accept that one could see this as a form of mobility mechanism,
or as a means for achieving geographical IP addressing.

Whether moving the mechanisms handling the work of dynamic change
to the topology to a lower layer is as practical as dealing with it
at a higher layer (as in your option one), I could not say.
