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Re: Site local

..I am behind on email due to flu but one thing I haven't figured out
in this "GUPI" thread....what would be the difference to the PIs we
have today? Aren't we trying to work around RIR policy with address
Firstly, we have no PIs today in IPv6. If you're referring to pre-CIDR
IPv4 prefixes, I think the difference is that people believe the scaling
issues with the DFZ will severely limit the ISP's ability to route
non-aggregatable IPv6 prefixes, however much money they are paid to do

I was actually referring to IPv4 PI space. That is not necessarily pre-CIDR, you can still get it.

You are right in saying that it will affect the DFZ size, but that is a problem we are dealing with today as well. Notice that there are around 14000 ASes, assume they are all LIRs they will all get a /32, that gives us 14000 routes. Then we have a scaling factor of ten to start with there already. More, I don't think that any of these solutions with PIs that are routed will come for free. There will be a cost from the operators for routing any of this.

- kurtis -