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RE: Identifier/locator recap


You did a fine impersonation.  

At this point, I'm quite happy not to sweat the 8+8/GSE/16+16
distinction.  If we can get to consensus that we need separation
of locators and identifiers, then we will have made good progress.
Let's agree on the macro before we work out the micro.


|    -----Original Message-----
|    From: Iljitsch van Beijnum [mailto:iljitsch@muada.com] 
|    Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 7:24 AM
|    To: Bound, Jim
|    Cc: multi6@ops.ietf.org
|    Subject: Identifier/locator recap
|    On Sun, 16 Mar 2003, Bound, Jim wrote:
|    > Could you write up your technical idea without a lot of 
|    man hours to
|    > describe and why it solves the multihome problem.
|    I'm not Tony, but:
|    Traditional multihoming as is done in IPv4 will not scale.
|    An alternative is to give each host in a multihomed site 
|    an address for
|    each ISP the site is connected to. When (the link to) one 
|    ISP fails, the
|    communciation is diverted over the other ISP. However, 
|    current transport
|    protocols are unable to jump to new addresses in 
|    mid-session. Solution:
|    separate the identifier and locator functions of the IP address.
|    Transport protocols then use the identifier, which doesn't 
|    change during
|    the lifetime of the session, while IP uses the locator, 
|    which may be
|    changed at any time in order to route around broken parts of the
|    network.
|    A few things that need to be addressed to make this happen:
|    - Locators must always be present in each packet. But what 
|    about the
|      identifiers? Do we include them in each packet (= 
|    tunneling) or are
|      they implied?
|    - How do we discover identifiers and/or locators?
|    - How to we authenticate the relationship between locators and
|      identifiers?
|    There is also the question of what makes good identifiers. 
|    HIP uses the
|    fingerprint of a cryptographic key. MHAP uses 
|    provider-independent IPv6
|    addresses that aren't visible in the global routing table. 
|    I myself have
|    suggested to use FQDNs as the first choice.
|    Note that there seems consensus here that we shouldn't try 
|    to revive GSE
|    or 8+8: some kind of "16+16" would be much easier to deploy.
|    Iljitsch