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RE: Start running

And look what a wonderful result that was!

I'd seriously like to suggest that we NOT run down the proposal
path.  Again, all that does is lock people in on their personal
approach.  Folks dig in their heels and it comes to bloodshed.

I would rather that we take the approach that this is a collaborative
effort and address the issues and resolve them.  Start with a 
top level architecture and work down.  Yes, this is harder
on the chairs, but it needs to be done this way to ensure closure
without bloodshed.


|    -----Original Message-----
|    From: Masataka Ohta [mailto:mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp] 
|    Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 8:51 PM
|    To: Kurt Erik Lindqvist
|    Cc: multi6@ops.ietf.org
|    Subject: Re: Start running
|    Kurt;
|    > > Last, we will try and have a beer BOF tomorrow at 
|    17.30-19.30. If you
|    > > feel you want to give input on the way forward, 
|    discuss solutoins, or
|    > It was pointed out that this is during the dinner break. 
|    For those of 
|    > you who do not know me - I (and I guess Sean) will most 
|    likely be at 
|    > the bar after the IESG session as well.
|    As I'm returning to Japan tonight (as scheduled long before),
|    I just leave a comment.
|    Instead of wasting time on a requirement draft again, how about
|    having several design teams to work on their own proposals
|    and let them apeal to the WG? Each team can have their own
|    requirements.
|    Note that it is an approach used to develop IPv6.
|    							Masataka Ohta