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Re: comments on mipv6 application to multihoming [Re: Move forward]

On 19 Mar 2003, marcelo bagnulo wrote:
> I am running out of solutions here :-)
> I can think of the following options for this, but i am not sure i like
> anyone of them.
> First option: (i think this would be the most elegant, but i think its
> time has passed) use a site local anycast address
> So you can compose the site exit router anycast address by appending the
> prefix assigned to the link to the site local prefix. I like this, but
> the problem is that there may be no more site locals for connected
> sites. I guess i should wait and see the outcome of the site local
> debate.
> Second option: use the above configuration and configure R3 as a ND
> proxy. I do not like this much because it imposes additional
> configuration in all the routers (it is better than configuring all the
> hosts, though)
> Third option: (nasty hack) use the above configuration but change the
> site exit router anycast format by changing the less significant bit of
> the directly attached subnet. This would make that the anycast address
> is not on-link, so that it has to be routed through a router. 

1) is out of question, 2) seems undesirable but acceptable, 3) too hacky.

A possibly valid approach could be advertising the addresses or portions
of significant information thereof (e.g. prefix length and have a reserved
anycast address) in route advertisements.

But I don't really like this approach either.

A discovery approach would also be possible: e.g. send traceroutes using
all the source addresses and watch out for responses (assuming there is
some special "site exit router discovery" ICMP message).

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings