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RE: GSE IDs [Re: IETF multihoming powder: just add IPv6 and stir]

> |    In the site multi-homing case, you must also be concerned
> |    with privacy
> |    issues. You should not force multi-homed computers to
> |    attach the same
> |    "global identifier" tag in all of their IP addresses, and
> |    you may expect
> |    privacy advocates to forcefully remind you if you ignore
> |    that point.
> I don't believe that that's a serious issue, but if those same
> folks want the full advantages of being a multi-homed host, then
> something has to give.  The correspondent host can only work with
> information that is disclosed.  Without that, the host would
> appear to be multiple independent hosts.

Notifying the correspondent host is fine, provided there is a way to
control it. Notifying the network is not.

-- Christian Huitema