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Re: New draft: Now What?

On Wed, 7 May 2003, S Woodside wrote:
> I'm confused though. This is the site multihoming WG, so does a single 
> host, or let's say, a single home qualify as a site?

A degenerate case of site is a single host.  In particular, "home 
networks" are considered sites.

All of these fall within my "Minimal" category.
> I'll continue to harp on the CWN angle since I think I've found the 
> right IETF area ;-) Load sharing is a requirement for multihoming CWN 
> nodes. It would be good to get that into the internet architecture 
> instead of having to create something special to CWNs to handle it. 

Could you elaborate on the specific load sharing needs, how it's done now, 
etc. because this seems very surprising to me.

> Also IIRC another person mentioned the PAN, where you might have WiFi 
> and GPRS connections, where does that fall into your taxonomy?

I'm not sure what you refer to.

> On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 05:25  PM, Pekka Savola wrote:
> >                         .--------------.------------.--------------.
> >                         | Independence | Redundancy | Load sharing |
> >          .--------------+--------------+------------+--------------+
> >          |Minimal       |      no      |     no     |      no      |
> >          |Small         |    maybe     |    maybe   |      no      |
> >          |Large         |  maybe/yes   |     yes    |     maybe    |
> >          |International |     yes      |     yes    |      yes     |
> >          '--------------'--------------'------------'--------------'
> >
> --
> www.simonwoodside.com -- 99% Devil, 1% Angel

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings