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Re: Mutli6 meeting in Vienna


> >> I am still also open to input on the agenda and the structure of the
> >> meeting. From the past weeks discussions here I would assume
> >> that "GSE"
> >> will be a large topic,

GSE is not a proper name of any topic.

> >> but we would need something to discuss around.
> >> We also have Pekkas draft and we have the option to have someone go
> >> through the options brought to the IETF so far (I was going
> >> through the
> >> ID archives but I could't find much more than my drafts, Iljitsch,
> >> Tonys and Michels expired drafts. Then we also have HIP. Have
> >> I missed
> >> something?). Opinions?

You miss LIN6.

> > There are folks out that can do multihoming already(via SCTP using 
> > multiple
> > addresses)
> > I can present something on that(if you don't mind).
> Again, there are a number of proposals and I am sure that everyone 
> would like to present, but I don't think we can fit them all in. My 
> reason for asking was to make sure that we have an overview solution 
> that covers them all.

"The Architecture of End to End Multihoming"
<draft-ohta-e2e-multihoming-*.txt> has been giving an overview
on so-called host based solutions in a way not specific to LIN6
before the WG was created.

Thus, I'd like to have a chance of presentation.

							Masataka Ohta