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RE: GSE IDs [Re: IETF multihoming powder: just add IPv6 and stir]

> >> But I think we should revisit this when there is an actual proposal
> >> that adds extra headers to packets because only then we'll be able
> >> see how this helps us and how it hurts us.
> > Well, using MIPv6 could be one of such proposals (there are some
> > to solve) but still can be useful to quantify the amount of overhead
> > involved.
> Mobile IP in IPv6 uses a 24 byte header to carry the original source
> address, right?

It does, but it only needs to do so when negotiating a binding update.
The trick is to design a usage model of MIPv6 in which binding updates
are used to redirect a TCP connection (or a UDP flow) to a new address.

-- Christian Huitema