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Re: Mutli6 meeting in Vienna

I am still also open to input on the agenda and the structure of the
meeting. From the past weeks discussions here I would assume
that "GSE"
will be a large topic,
GSE is not a proper name of any topic.
...which is why I put it in quotes.

but we would need something to discuss around.
We also have Pekkas draft and we have the option to have someone go
through the options brought to the IETF so far (I was going
through the
ID archives but I could't find much more than my drafts, Iljitsch,
Tonys and Michels expired drafts. Then we also have HIP. Have
I missed
something?). Opinions?
You miss LIN6.
What is the draft name? I can't seem to find this.

There are folks out that can do multihoming already(via SCTP using
I can present something on that(if you don't mind).
Again, there are a number of proposals and I am sure that everyone
would like to present, but I don't think we can fit them all in. My
reason for asking was to make sure that we have an overview solution
that covers them all.
"The Architecture of End to End Multihoming"
<draft-ohta-e2e-multihoming-*.txt> has been giving an overview
on so-called host based solutions in a way not specific to LIN6
before the WG was created.

Thus, I'd like to have a chance of presentation.

As I said yesterday, we will not have time at this meeting for all the proposals to present. Instead we will try and have an overview of solution classes. Most work seems to be done with loc/id separation and Christians host-based solutions. For the time being this is where I think we should spend time at the meeting. We might want to spend more time on other solutions at the next meeting.

Unfortunately we have some catching up to do and having all proposals presented would take up very much time, without us moving on. Even then what to do in order to forward would not be clear. Therefor discussing the solution classes seems as a good compromise to me. Then looking at the (from my POV) two mostly supported proposals and try to iron them out a bit seems feasible. Me and Sean are discussing exactly how to do this.

- kurtis -