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Re: Mutli6 meeting in Vienna


> >>>> but we would need something to discuss around.
> >>>> We also have Pekkas draft and we have the option to have someone go
> >>>> through the options brought to the IETF so far (I was going
> >>>> through the
> >>>> ID archives but I could't find much more than my drafts, Iljitsch,
> >>>> Tonys and Michels expired drafts. Then we also have HIP. Have
> >>>> I missed
> >>>> something?). Opinions?
> >
> > You miss LIN6.
> What is the draft name? I can't seem to find this.

I will prepare it, if there is a chance for presentation.

> > "The Architecture of End to End Multihoming"
> > <draft-ohta-e2e-multihoming-*.txt> has been giving an overview
> > on so-called host based solutions in a way not specific to LIN6
> > before the WG was created.
> >
> > Thus, I'd like to have a chance of presentation.
> >
> As I said yesterday, we will not have time at this meeting for all the 
> proposals to present.

Are you saying that you have tried to request 3 slots and denied by

Or, are you just saying you are not so sure?

> Instead we will try and have an overview of 
> solution classes.

That's why I'm asking for presentation of the overview on end to
end multihoming.

> Most work seems to be done with loc/id separation and 
> Christians host-based solutions. For the time being this is where I 
> think we should spend time at the meeting. We might want to spend more 
> time on other solutions at the next meeting.
> Unfortunately we have some catching up to do and having all proposals 
> presented would take up very much time, without us moving on. Even then 
> what to do in order to forward would not be clear. Therefor discussing 
> the solution classes seems as a good compromise to me. Then looking at 
> the (from my POV) two mostly supported proposals and try to iron them 
> out a bit seems feasible. Me and Sean are discussing exactly how to do 
> this.

What do you want to discuss on solution classes? Isn't it already
obvious that the only solution class is host-based one with loc/id

							Masataka Ohta